
Unique clockwork in photoreceptor of rat.


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In mammals, the retina contains a clock system that oscillates independently of the master clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and allows the retina to anticipate and to adapt to the sustained daily changes in ambient illumination. Using a combination of laser capture micro-dissection and quantitative PCR in the present study, the clockwork of mammalian photoreceptors has been recorded. The transcript amounts of the core clock genes Clock, Bmal1, Period1 (Per1), Per3, Cryptochrome2, and Casein kinase Iepsilon in photoreceptors of rat retina have been found to undergo daily changes. Clock and Bmal1 peak with Per1 and Per3 around dark onset, whereas Casein kinase Iepsilon and Cryptochrome2 peak at night. As shown for Clock, Per1, and Casein kinase Iepsilon, the oscillation of transcript amounts results in daily changes of the protein products. The in-phase oscillation of Clock/Bmal1 with Pers and the rhythmic expression of Casein kinase Iepsilon do not occur in molecular clocks of other tissues including the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Therefore, the findings presented suggest that the photoreceptor clock is unique not only in its position outside the clock hierarchy mastered by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, but also with regard to the intrinsic rhythmic properties of its molecular components.
机译:在哺乳动物中,视网膜包含一个时钟系统,该时钟系统独立于视交叉上核中的主时钟而振荡,并允许视网膜预测并适应环境光照的持续每日变化。在本研究中结合使用激光捕获显微切割和定量PCR,已记录了哺乳动物感光细胞的发条。已发现大鼠视网膜感光器中核心时钟基因Clock,Bmal1,Period1(Per1),Per3,Cryptochrome2和酪蛋白激酶Iepsilon的转录量每天都在变化。 Clock和Bmal1在黑暗发作时达到峰值,而Per1和Per3则在夜间发作,而酪蛋白激酶Iepsilon和Cryptochrome2则在夜间达到峰值。如Clock,Per1和Casein激酶的Iepsilon所示,转录物数量的振荡会导致蛋白质产物的每日变化。 Clock / Bmal1与Pers的同相振荡和酪蛋白激酶Iepsilon的节律表达在包括视交叉上核在内的其他组织的分子钟中不发生。因此,提出的发现表明,光感受器时钟不仅在其由视交叉上核掌握的时钟层次之外的位置是独特的,而且在其分子成分的固有节律特性方面也是独特的。



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