首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Non-infectious aggregates of the prion protein react with several PrP~(Sc)-directed antibodies

Non-infectious aggregates of the prion protein react with several PrP~(Sc)-directed antibodies


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The key event in the pathogenesis of prion diseases is the conformational conversion of the normal prion protein (PrP) (PrP~c) into an infectious, aggregated isoform (PrP~(Sc)) that has a high content of (5-sheet. Historically, a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing antibodies that specifically recognize PrP~(Sc) but not PrP~c, as such antibodies would have enormous diagnostic and experimental value. A mouse monoclonal IgM antibody (designated 15B3) and three PrP motif-grafted monoclonal antibodies (referred to as IgG 19-33, 89-112, and 136-158) have been previously reported to react specifically with infectious PrP~(Sc) but not PrP~c. In this study, we extend the characterization of these four antibodies by testing their ability to immunoprecipitate and immunostain infectious and non-infectious aggregates of wild-type, mutant, and recombinant PrP. We find that 15B3 as well as the motif-grafted antibodies recognize multiple types of aggregated PrP, both infectious and non-infectious, including forms found in brain, in transfected cells, and induced in vitro from purified recombinant protein. These antibodies are exquisitely selective for aggregated PrP, and do not react with soluble PrP even when present in vast excess. Our results suggest that 15B3 and the motif-grafted antibodies recognize structural features common to both infectious and non-infectious aggregates of PrP. Our study extends the utility of these antibodies for diagnostic and experimental purposes, and it provides new insight into the structural changes that accompany PrP oligomerization and prion propagation.
机译:病毒病发病机理中的关键事件是正常病毒蛋白(PrP)(PrP〜c)的构象转化为具有传染性的聚集同工型(PrP〜(Sc)),其含量高(5张)。从历史上看,已经投入了大量的精力来开发特异性识别PrP〜(Sc)但不能识别PrP〜c的抗体,因为这种抗体具有巨大的诊断和实验价值。小鼠单克隆IgM抗体(称为15B3)和三种PrP先前已报道基序嫁接的单克隆抗体(称为IgG 19-33、89-112和136-158)与感染性PrP〜(Sc)特异性反应,但与PrP〜c特异性反应。在本研究中,我们扩展了通过测试它们对野生型,突变型和重组PrP的感染性和非感染性聚集体进行免疫沉淀和免疫染色的能力,对这四种抗体进行鉴定,我们发现15B3以及基序嫁接的抗体可识别多种类型的聚集PrP传染性的,没有n型感染,包括在脑中,转染的细胞中发现并从纯化的重组蛋白体外诱导的形式。这些抗体对聚集的PrP具有极好的选择性,即使大量存在也不会与可溶性PrP反应。我们的结果表明15B3和基序移植的抗体识别PrP感染性和非感染性聚集体共有的结构特征。我们的研究扩展了这些抗体在诊断和实验目的上的用途,它为伴随PrP寡聚化和病毒繁殖的结构变化提供了新的见识。


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