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Travelling-wave ion mobility mass spectrometry and negative ion fragmentation of hybrid and complex N-glycans


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Nitrogen collisional cross sections (CCSs) of hybrid and complex glycans released from the glycoproteins IgG, gp120 (from human immunodeficiency virus), ovalbumin, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and thyroglobulin were measured with a travelling-wave ion mobility mass spectrometer using dextran as the calibrant. The utility of this instrument for isomer separation was also investigated. Some isomers, such as Man(3)GlcNAc(3) from chicken ovalbumin and Man(3)GlcNAc(3)Fuc(1) from thyroglobulin could be partially resolved and identified by their negative ion fragmentation spectra obtained by collision-induced decomposition (CID). Several other larger glycans, however, although existing as isomers, produced only asymmetric rather than separated arrival time distributions (ATDs). Nevertheless, in these cases, isomers could often be detected by plotting extracted fragment ATDs of diagnostic fragment ions from the negative ion CID spectra obtained in the transfer cell of the Waters Synapt mass spectrometer. Coincidence in the drift times of all fragment ions with an asymmetric ATD profile in this work, and in the related earlier paper on high-mannose glycans, usually suggested that separations were because of conformers or anomers, whereas symmetrical ATDs of fragments showing differences in drift times indicated isomer separation. Although some significant differences in CCSs were found for the smaller isomeric glycans, the differences found for the larger compounds were usually too small to be analytically useful. Possible correlations between CCSs and structural types were also investigated, and it was found that complex glycans tended to have slightly smaller CCSs than high-mannose glycans of comparable molecular weight. In addition, biantennary glycans containing a core fucose and/or a bisecting GlcNAc residue fell on different mobility-m/z trend lines to those glycans not so substituted with both of these substituents contributing to larger CCSs. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:糖蛋白IgG,gp120(来自人类免疫缺陷病毒),卵清蛋白,α1-酸糖蛋白和甲状腺球蛋白的糖蛋白IgG,gp120释放的杂合聚糖和复杂聚糖的氮碰撞截面(CCS),使用右旋糖酐作为离子交换质谱仪进行了测量校准物。还研究了该仪器用于异构体分离的实用性。一些异构体,例如来自鸡卵清蛋白的Man(3)GlcNAc(3)和来自甲状腺球蛋白的Man(3)GlcNAc(3)Fuc(1)可以部分分离并通过碰撞诱导分解获得的负离子碎片光谱来鉴定( CID)。但是,其他几种较大的聚糖尽管以异构体形式存在,但仅产生不对称而不是分开的到达时间分布(ATD)。然而,在这些情况下,通常可以通过绘制从沃特斯Synapt质谱仪转移池中获得的负离子CID光谱中提取的诊断性片段离子的片段ATD来检测异构体。在这项工作中以及在有关高甘露糖聚糖的较早的相关论文中,所有具有不对称ATD谱图的碎片离子的漂移时间均符合,通常表明分离是由于构象异构体或异头异构体,而对称的ATD片段则显示出漂移差异。时间指示异构体分离。尽管对于较小的异构聚糖发现了CCS的一些显着差异,但对于较大的化合物发现的差异通常太小而无法用于分析。还研究了CCS与结构类型之间可能的相关性,并且发现与相对分子质量的高甘露糖聚糖相比,复杂聚糖的CCS趋向于略小。另外,与没有被两个取代基取代的那些聚糖相比,含有核心岩藻糖和/或二等分的GlcNAc残基的双触角聚糖落在不同的迁移率-m / z趋势线上。版权所有(C)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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