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COPD: Clinical Significance of Early Diagnosis.


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OBJECTIVE: To explain the differential diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and how COPD can be distinguished in patients who present with complaints of dyspnea, (shortness of breath on exertion), with the goal of improving earlier diagnosis. SUMMARY: It is important to differentiate COPD from other diagnoses when adult patients present with dyspnea. There are several key diagnostic indicators for COPD, including, most notably, a history of smoking and objective lung-function measurements. COPD remains an underdiagnosed disease, chiefly in its milder and more treatable form. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)- defined standards for COPD management consist of 4 components: (1) assess and monitor disease, (2) reduce risk factors, (3) manage stable COPD through education and nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic means, and (4) manage exacerbations. CONCLUSION: Updated standards for diagnosis and treatment-targeted pharmacologic agents have provided physicians and health care workers with more specific and targeted treatment modalities for early detection and treatment of this progressive disease. Early detection and more accurate diagnosis are key in improving outcomes and altering the progression of the disease.
机译:目的:解释慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的鉴别诊断,以及在患有呼吸困难(运动时呼吸急促)的患者中如何区分COPD,目的是改善早期诊断。摘要:当成年患者出现呼吸困难时,将COPD与其他诊断区别开来很重要。 COPD有几种关键的诊断指标,其中最值得注意的是吸烟史和客观肺功能测量。 COPD仍然是一种未被充分诊断的疾病,主要表现为较轻度和更易治疗的形式。全球慢性阻塞性肺疾病倡议(GOLD)定义的COPD管理标准包括4个组成部分:(1)评估和监测疾病,(2)降低风险因素,(3)通过教育以及非药物和药物手段管理稳定的COPD (4)处理病情加重。结论:以诊断和治疗为目标的药物的最新标准为医师和医护人员提供了更具体,更有针对性的治疗方式,以便对该疾病进行早期发现和治疗。早期发现和更准确的诊断是改善结果和改变疾病进展的关键。



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