首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health politics, policy and law >Stigma as an Unrecognized Determinant of Population Health: Research and Policy Implications

Stigma as an Unrecognized Determinant of Population Health: Research and Policy Implications


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Stigma processes play an under recognized role in the distribution of life chances, influencing health through the production of disadvantage and the induction of stress. Policies enact stigma processes, mitigate them, or ignore them. If each of these two statements is correct, the intersection of stigma and policy demands our attention. We propose a change of perspective from an approach that considers one stigmatized status and one outcome at a time to a perspective that considers the full range of stigmatized statuses and outcomes so as to reveal stigma's full impact. Concerning the second statement, literature addressing "structural stigma" provides compelling evidence that policy enacts stigma and harms health in some circumstances and mitigates stigma and improves health in others. In addition to the effects of active policies, we also bring attention to policy inattention-doing nothing. A core feature of stigma is a discounting-a mattering less-that allows and even fosters policy inattention toward the concerns of stigmatized groups. We end by engaging David Mechanic and Linda H. Aiken's ideas concerning how social science influences policy by changing how people think about problems and hope that our consideration of stigma and policy might ultimately have such a consequence.
机译:耻辱过程在生活机会的分配中起着未被公认的作用,通过产生不利条件和诱发压力来影响健康。策略制定污名处理,减轻污名化或忽略它们。如果这两个陈述中的每一个都是正确的,则污名和政策的交集需要我们注意。我们建议将观点从一次考虑一个污名化的状态和一个结果的方法更改为一种考虑全部污名化的状态和结果的方法,以揭示污名的全部影响。关于第二种说法,有关“结构性污名”的文献提供了令人信服的证据,表明政策在某些情况下会造成污名化并损害健康,而在其他情况下则会减轻污名化并改善健康。除了积极政策的影响外,我们还引起人们对政策注意力不集中的关注。污名化的一个核心特征是贴现-事半功倍-允许甚至加剧政策对被污名群体的关注。我们以戴维·梅纳克(David Mechanic)和琳达·艾肯(Linda H. Aiken)关于社会科学如何通过改变人们对问题的看法的方式对政策的影响的想法作为结尾,并希望我们对耻辱和政策的考虑最终会产生这样的结果。



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