首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Composition and Analysis >Total free phenolic content and health relevant functionality of Indian wild legume grains: Effect of indigenous processing methods.

Total free phenolic content and health relevant functionality of Indian wild legume grains: Effect of indigenous processing methods.


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In the present study, the total free phenolic content, antioxidant activity and type II diabetes-related enzyme inhibition properties of methanolic extracts of certain promising immature wild type under-utilized legume grains, such as Abrus precatorius L., Acacia leucopholea Willd., Bauhinia variegata L., Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC., Cassia floribunda Cav., Entada scandens Benth., Indigofera linifolia (L.f.) Retz., Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) Wight. and Tamarindus indica L., collected from South India, were investigated. The total free phenolic content of the investigated samples ranged between 4.24 and 8.75 g catechin equivalent/100 g extract dry matter (DM). The extracts showed promising ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP, 110-280 mmol Fe[II]/g extract), antioxidant activity (inhibition of beta-carotene degradation, 32.37-57.69%) and radical scavenging activities against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH, 49.97-81.31%) and superoxide (42.21-61.65%). In all the studied seed materials, sprouting + oil-frying treatment revealed significantly higher total free phenolic content, antioxidant and type II diabetes relevant functionality, than open-pan roasting or soaking + cooking. Hence, sprouting + oil-frying is recommended as valuable processing method for the use of wild legume grains in the local production of supplementary foods with the potential to manage type II diabetes in the malnourished socio-economically weaker section of Indian population.
机译:在本研究中,某些有前途的未成熟野生型未充分利用的豆类谷物甲醇提取物的总游离酚含量,抗氧化活性和与II型糖尿病相关的酶抑制特性,如 Abrus precatorius L。 ,白洋槐 Willd。,紫荆花 L。, Canavalia gladiata (雅克)DC。,大花决明子 Cav。, Entada scandens Benth。, Indigofera linifolia (Lf)Retz。, Mucuna pruriens (L.)DC。,塞巴尼亚bispinosa (Jacq。)怀特。对从印度南部收集来的and和罗望子Ta进行了调查。研究样品的总游离酚含量为4.24至8.75 g儿茶素当量/ 100 g提取物干物质(DM)。提取物显示出有希望的三价铁还原/抗氧化能力(FRAP,110-280 mmol Fe [II] / g提取物),抗氧化剂活性(抑制β-胡萝卜素降解,占32.37-57.69%)和对2,2-二苯基的自由基清除活性。 -1-苦基-肼基(DPPH,49.97-81.31%)和超氧化物(42.21-61.65%)。在所有研究的种子材料中,发芽+油炸处理均显示比敞开式烘烤或浸泡+烹调要高得多的总游离酚含量,抗氧化剂和II型糖尿病相关功能。因此,建议在当地生产的补充食品中使用发芽+油炸作为在加工食品中营养不良的印度人口中营养不良的II型糖尿病的补充食品中使用野生豆类谷物的有价值的加工方法。



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