首页> 外文期刊>Journal of foraminiferal research >Actin phylogeny of foraminifera

Actin phylogeny of foraminifera


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Molecular phylogenies of foraminifera are commonly inferred from the small subunit rRNA (SSU) genes, which can easily be obtained from single cells isolated from environmental samples. The SSU phylogenies, however, are often biased by heterogeneity of substitution rates, and their resolution of higher level relationships is often very low. The sequences of protein-coding genes provide an important alternative source of phylogenetic information, yet their availability from foraminifera has been limited until now. Here, we report the first extensive protein sequence data for foraminifera, which comprises 90 actin sequences for 27 species representing five major foraminiferan groups. Our analysis enables grouping foraminiferan actins into two main paralogs, ACT1 (actin type 1) and ACT2 (actin type 2), and several actin-deviating proteins. Phylogenetic analyses of ACT1 and ACT2 confirm the general structure of foraminiferan phylogenies inferred from SSU rDNA sequences. In particular, actin phylogenies support (1) the paraphyly of monothalamous foraminifera, including the allogromiids, astrorhizids and athalamids; (2) the independent divergence of miliolids and their close relationship to Miliammina; (3) the monophyly of rotalids; and (4) the rotaliid ancestry of globigerinids. Some foraminiferan taxa can be distinguished in actin sequences by the presence of group-specific introns (rotaliids, allogromiids) or absence of any introns (soritids ACT1).
机译:有孔虫的分子系统发育通常是从小的亚基rRNA(SSU)基因推断出来的,该基因很容易从从环境样品中分离出来的单个细胞中获得。但是,SSU系统发育通常会因替换率的异质性而产生偏差,并且它们对更高级别关系的解析度通常很低。蛋白质编码基因的序列为系统发育信息提供了重要的替代来源,但是迄今为止,它们在有孔虫中的可用性一直受到限制。在这里,我们报告有孔虫的第一个广泛的蛋白质序列数据,其中包括代表五个主要有孔虫科的27种物种的90个肌动蛋白序列。我们的分析能够将有孔虫肌动蛋白分为两个主要的旁系同源基因,即ACT1(肌动蛋白1型)和ACT2(肌动蛋白2型),以及几种减少肌动蛋白的蛋白。 ACT1和ACT2的系统发育分析证实了从SSU rDNA序列推论的有孔虫系统发育的一般结构。特别是,肌动蛋白系统发育支持(1)单层有孔虫的附生体,包括同种异体螨,星形寄生虫和无头螨。 (2)丁香油的独立发散及其与to的亲密关系; (3)罗塔尔的独角兽; (4)globigerinids的轮回血统。某些有孔虫类群的肌动蛋白序列可以通过存在特定于组的内含子(旋转异构体,异型拟南芥)或不存在任何内含子(类固醇ACT1)来区分。



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