首页> 外文期刊>Clinical transplantation. >Cost-utility analysis of living-donor kidney transplantation followed by pancreas transplantation versus simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation.

Cost-utility analysis of living-donor kidney transplantation followed by pancreas transplantation versus simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation.


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For a type I diabetic with end-stage renal disease, the choice between a kidney-alone transplant from a living-donor (KA-LD) and a simultaneous pancreas kidney (SPK) transplant remains a difficult one. The prevailing practice seems to favor KA-LD over SPK, presumably due to the superior long-term renal graft survival in KA-LD and the elimination of the lengthy waiting time on the cadaver transplant list. In this study, two treatment options, KA-LD followed by pancreas-after-kidney (PAK) and SPK transplant, are compared using a cost-utility decision analysis model. The decision tree consisted of a choice between KA-LD + PAK and SPK. The analysis was based on a 5-yr model and the measures of outcome used in the model were cost, utility and cost-utility. The expected 5-yr cost was
机译:对于患有终末期肾脏疾病的I型糖尿病,在活体供体的单肾移植(KA-LD)和胰脏同时肾(SPK)移植之间进行选择仍然是一个困难的选择。流行的做法似乎比KA LD更倾向于KA-LD,这可能是由于KA-LD具有较高的长期肾移植存活率,并且消除了尸体移植清单上漫长的等待时间。在这项研究中,使用成本效用决策分析模型比较了两种治疗方案,即KA-LD,然后进行胰后肾(PAK)和SPK移植。决策树由KA-LD + PAK和SPK之间的选择组成。该分析基于5年模型,模型中使用的结果度量是成本,效用和成本效用。预期的5年成本为



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