首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Regenerative treatment of an immature, traumatized tooth with apical periodontitis: report of a case.

Regenerative treatment of an immature, traumatized tooth with apical periodontitis: report of a case.


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This case report describes the treatment of a necrotic immature permanent central incisor with complete crown fracture, suspected root fracture, and sinus tract, which was not treated with conventional apexification techniques. Instead, a regenerative approach based on the trauma literature's methods for revascularization was provided. The root canal was gently debrided of necrotic tissue with a sharp spoon excavator and irrigated for only one third of its length with NaOCl and then medicated with calcium hydroxide. After 15 days the sinus tract had healed, and the tooth was asymptomatic. The tooth was accessed, calcium hydroxide was removed, bleeding was stimulated to form an intracanal blood clot, and mineral trioxide aggregate was placed coronally to the blood clot. After 8 months, a coronal calcified barrier was radiographically evident and accompanied with progressive thickening of the root wall and apical closure. Two and a half years after treatment was initiated, the tooth remained asymptomatic, and the sinus tract had not reappeared. The progressive increase in the thickness of the dentinal walls and subsequent apical development suggest that appropriate biologic responses can occur with this type of treatment of the necrotic immature permanent tooth with sinus tract.
机译:该病例报告描述了未曾使用传统的根尖化技术治疗的坏死的未成熟永久性中切牙,其具有完全的冠状骨折,疑似根部骨折和窦道。取而代之的是,基于创伤文献的血运重建方法提供了一种再生方法。用锋利的挖土机轻轻将根管坏死组织清除,并用NaOCl冲洗根管长度的三分之一,然后用氢氧化钙加药。 15天后,窦道已愈合,牙齿无症状。进入牙齿,除去氢氧化钙,刺激出血以形成管内血块,并将三氧化二矿聚集体冠状置于血块中。 8个月后,影像学上发现冠状钙化障碍,并伴有牙根壁逐渐增厚和根尖闭合。开始治疗后两年半,牙齿仍然没有症状,并且窦道未再出现。牙本质壁厚度的逐渐增加和随后的根尖发育表明,这种类型的窦道坏死性不成熟恒牙治疗可以产生适当的生物学反应。



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