首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >The complete mitochondrial genomes of two brown algae (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) and phylogenetic analysis within Laminaria

The complete mitochondrial genomes of two brown algae (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) and phylogenetic analysis within Laminaria


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Two complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Laminaria longissima (=Saccharina longissima) and Laminaria hyperborea are reported in this study. They had circular mapping organization with slight difference in size (37,628 and 37,976 bp, respectively) and contained almost the same set of mitochondrial genes, including the genes for three rRNAs (23S, 16S, and 5S), 25 tRNAs, 35 known mitochondrial proteins, and three to four Open Reading Frame genes (ORFs). Both mitochondrial genomes exhibited typical gene content and organization of Laminaria mtDNAs except for the existence of ORF157 genes being located between rRNA large subunit gene 5 (rpl5) and ORF129-139 in L. hyperborea as found in that of Laminaria digitata. The phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial genomes supported the hypothesis of the split of the genus Laminaria, and the result of this study provided important information on the molecular evolution of Laminaria.
机译:在这项研究中报告了两个完整的线虫基因组序列,分别是长条海带(Saccharina longissima)和海带。它们具有大小略有差异的环形作图组织(分别为37,628和37,976 bp),并且包含几乎相同的线粒体基因集,包括三个rRNA(23S,16S和5S),25个tRNA,35个已知线粒体蛋白的基因。 ,以及三到四个开放阅读框基因(ORF)。线粒体两个基因组均显示出典型的海带线粒体基因含量和组织,不同之处在于,在高升乳杆菌中位于rRNA大亚基基因5(rpl5)和ORF129-139之间的是ORF157基因,正如在数字海带中发现的那样。基于线粒体基因组的系统发育分析支持海带属分裂的假设,这项研究的结果为海带的分子进化提供了重要信息。



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