首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >Identification of the origin of faecal contamination in estuarine oysters using Bacteroidales and F-specific RNA bacteriophage markers.

Identification of the origin of faecal contamination in estuarine oysters using Bacteroidales and F-specific RNA bacteriophage markers.


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Aims: The aim of this study was to identify the origin of faecal pollution impacting the Elorn estuary (Brittany, France) by applying microbial source tracking (MST) markers in both oysters and estuarine waters. Methods and Results: The MST markers used were as follows: (i) human-, ruminant- and pig-associated Bacteroidales markers by real-time PCR and (ii) human genogroup II and animal genogroup I of F-specific RNA bacteriophages (FRNAPH) by culture/genotyping and by direct real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR. The higher occurrence of the human genogroup II of F-specific RNA bacteriophages using a culture/genotyping method, and human-associated Bacteroidales marker by real-time PCR, allowed the identification of human faecal contamination as the predominant source of contamination in oysters (total of 18 oyster batches tested) and waters (total of 24 water samples tested). The importance of using the intravalvular liquids instead of digestive tissues, when applying host-associated Bacteroidales markers in oysters, was also revealed. Conclusions: This study has shown that the application of a MST toolbox of diverse bacterial and viral methods can provide multiple lines of evidence to identify the predominant source of faecal contamination in shellfish from an estuarine environment. Significance and Impact of the Study: Application of this MST toolbox is a useful approach to understand the origin of faecal contamination in shellfish harvesting areas in an estuarine setting.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是通过在牡蛎和河口水域中应用微生物源跟踪(MST)标记物来识别影响Elorn河口(法国布列塔尼)的粪便污染的起源。方法和结果:使用的MST标记如下:(i)通过实时PCR鉴定的与人,反刍动物和猪相关的拟杆菌属标记,以及(ii)F特异性RNA噬菌体(FRNAPH)的人类基因组II和动物基因组I )通过培养/基因分型和直接实时逆转录酶PCR进行。使用培养/基因分型方法以及通过实时PCR与人类相关的噬菌体标记,F特异RNA噬菌体的人类基因组II的发生率更高,从而使人类粪便污染成为牡蛎污染的主要来源(总18个牡蛎批次的测试)和水(总共24个水样的测试)。还揭示了当在牡蛎中应用宿主相关的拟杆菌标记时,使用瓣膜内液体代替消化组织的重要性。结论:这项研究表明,采用多种细菌和病毒方法的MST工具箱的应用可以提供多种证据,以鉴定来自河口环境的贝类中粪便污染的主要来源。研究的意义和影响:该MST工具箱的应用是了解河口贝类收获地区粪便污染起源的有用方法。



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