首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community & applied social psychology >Safe and Unsafe School Spaces: Comparing Elementary School Student Perceptions to Common Ecological Interventions and Operationalizations

Safe and Unsafe School Spaces: Comparing Elementary School Student Perceptions to Common Ecological Interventions and Operationalizations


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There is a burgeoning literature on school safety in the United States. Often, researchers determine the problem and intervention. Few studies, however, examine how students understand school safety. In this study, elementary school students in the United States (n = 225) marked safe and unsafe school places; this was correlated with other commonly used school safety measures. Results indicate that children have different perceptions of safety based on school location. Additionally, for older children, unsafe places correlated with injury data, adult absence and low levels of territoriality. For younger children, unsafe places were associated with adult absence and referrals. Safe places were places that were more likely to have an adult. Results bring into question some common safety interventions. Implications include working with children to determine what is meant by 'safe' and interventions.
机译:美国有关于学校安全的新兴文献。研究人员通常会确定问题并采取干预措施。但是,很少有研究检查学生如何理解学校安全。在这项研究中,美国的小学生(n = 225)标记为安全和不安全的学校场所;这与其他常用的学校安全措施相关。结果表明,根据学校所在地,孩子对安全的认识不同。此外,对于年龄较大的儿童,不安全的地方与伤害数据,成人缺勤和低地域性相关。对于年幼的儿童,不安全的地方与成人缺席和转诊有关。安全的地方是较有可能成年的地方。结果使一些常见的安全干预措施产生了疑问。含义包括与儿童一起确定“安全”和干预措施的含义。



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