首页> 外文期刊>Journal of drugs in dermatology: JDD >Program spotlight: Mayo clinic, Arizona

Program spotlight: Mayo clinic, Arizona


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Mayo Clinic Arizona is one of the rare programs offering a categorical position in dermatology, combining a one-year transitional year at our local hospital with three years of dermatology training. It is a small and intimate program, accepting two residents per year and turning out well-trained dermatologists. Unique to the program is the offering of a high degree of resident autonomy. Residents, from their outset in the department, are assigned their own calendars independent of attending physicians. First year dermatology residents are expected to staff every patient,.but for the remainder of residency staffing is at the^discretion of the resident. Therefore, conscientious trainees are a must as they are relied upon to recognize when additional help from an attending physician is needed. Our didactic time is generous with Monday and Tuesday mornings dedicated to teaching, a weekly Wednesday morning Grand Rounds, and a resident run chief conference on Fridays targeting board fodder.
机译:亚利桑那州梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic Arizona)是提供皮肤科分类职位的罕见计划之一,将我们在当地医院的一年过渡期与三年皮肤科培训相结合。这是一个小型且私密的计划,每年接待两名居民,并培养出训练有素的皮肤科医生。该计划的独特之处在于可以提供高度的居民自治。从科室一开始就为居民分配独立于主治医师的日历。第一年的皮肤科住院医师应为每位患者提供服务,但其余的住院医师配备则由住院医师自行决定。因此,认真工作的学员是必须的,因为他们必须认识到何时需要主治医师的额外帮助。我们的教学时间充裕,星期一和星期二的早晨专门用于教学,每周一次的星期三早晨的大回合,以及在星期五举行的针对董事会饲料的居民首席行政官会议。



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