首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer assisted tomography >Optimal starting time of acquisition and feasibility of complementary administration of nitroglycerin with intravenous beta-blocker in multislice computed tomography.

Optimal starting time of acquisition and feasibility of complementary administration of nitroglycerin with intravenous beta-blocker in multislice computed tomography.


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OBJECTIVES: We determined the optimal starting time of acquisition after sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG) administration and evaluated the effects on multislice computed tomographic (MSCT) images of a complementary administration of sublingual NTG with beta-blocker. METHODS: Sixty patients who underwent MSCT coronary angiography (CA) were randomly divided into 2 groups as follows: 30 patients given an intravenous administration of beta-blocker (landiolol hydrochloride, mean dose of 0.032 mg/kg per minute; group B); and 30 patients given a coadministration of intravenous beta-blocker and sublingual NTG (0.3 mg; group N). Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded every 1 minute after NTG administration. In addition, the maximum diameters of the proximal and distal lesions in each coronary artery were measured, and the number of assessable segments was calculated. RESULTS: Blood pressure significantly decreased and heart rate significantly increased 4 minutes after NTG administration. The number of assessable segments was significantly greater in group N than in group B. The maximum diameters of the distal lesions of the left anterior descending and left circumflex arteries and both proximal and distal lesions of the right coronary artery were significantly larger in group N than in group B. CONCLUSIONS: It is advisable to obtain MSCT images after sublingual NTG administration because nitrates are always given during conventional CA and may prevent beta-blocker-induced coronary spasm. The optimal starting time for MSCT CA is approximately 3 minutes after sublingual NTG administration.
机译:目的:我们确定了舌下硝化甘油(NTG)给药后的最佳获取开始时间,并评估了舌下NTG与β受体阻滞剂的补充给药对多层计算机断层扫描(MSCT)图像的影响。方法:将60例行MSCT冠状动脉造影(CA)的患者随机分为2组:30例静脉给予β-受体阻滞剂(盐酸兰多洛尔,平均剂量为0.032 mg / kg /分钟; B组);以及30例接受β-受体阻滞剂静脉注射的患者。 30例患者同时服用静脉内β受体阻滞剂和舌下NTG(0.3毫克; N组)。 NTG给药后每1分钟记录一次血压和心率。另外,测量每个冠状动脉中近端和远端病变的最大直径,并计算可评估节段的数量。结果:NTG给药4分钟后,血压显着降低,心率显着提高。 N组的可评估节段数显着大于B组。左前降支和左旋支动脉远侧病变的最大直径以及右冠状动脉的近端和远端病变均明显大于N组。结论:建议在舌下给予NTG后获得MSCT图像,因为硝酸盐通常在常规CA期间给予,并且可以预防β受体阻滞剂引起的冠状动脉痉挛。舌下NTG给药后,MSCT CA的最佳开始时间约为3分钟。



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