首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational Physics >Mixed mimetic spectral element method for Stokes flow: A pointwise divergence-free solution

Mixed mimetic spectral element method for Stokes flow: A pointwise divergence-free solution


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In this paper we apply the recently developed mimetic discretization method to the mixed formulation of the Stokes problem in terms of vorticity, velocity and pressure. The mimetic discretization presented in this paper and in Kreeft et al. [51] is a higher-order method for curvilinear quadrilaterals and hexahedrals. Fundamental is the underlying structure of oriented geometric objects, the relation between these objects through the boundary operator and how this defines the exterior derivative, representing the grad, curl and div, through the generalized Stokes theorem. The mimetic method presented here uses the language of differential k-forms with k-cochains as their discrete counterpart, and the relations between them in terms of the mimetic operators: reduction, reconstruction and projection. The reconstruction consists of the recently developed mimetic spectral interpolation functions. The most important result of the mimetic framework is the commutation between differentiation at the continuous level with that on the finite dimensional and discrete level. As a result operators like gradient, curl and divergence are discretized exactly. For Stokes flow, this implies a pointwise divergence-free solution. This is confirmed using a set of test cases on both Cartesian and curvilinear meshes. It will be shown that the method converges optimally for all admissible boundary conditions.
机译:在本文中,我们将最近开发的模拟离散方法应用于涡度,速度和压力方面的斯托克斯问题的混合公式。本文和Kreeft等人提出的模拟离散化。 [51]是曲线四边形和六面体的高阶方法。基本面是定向几何对象的基础结构,这些对象之间通过边界算符之间的关系以及它如何通过广义的Stokes定理定义外部派生变量(代表grad,curl和div)。这里介绍的模拟方法使用微分k形式的语言,其中k个共链作为离散的对应形式,并且它们之间的关系取决于模拟算符:归约,重构和投影。重建包括最近开发的模拟频谱内插函数。模拟框架最重要的结果是连续级与有限维级和离散级之间的微分之间的交换。结果,像梯度,卷曲和散度之类的运算符被精确离散。对于斯托克斯流,这意味着无逐点解。使用笛卡尔和曲线网格上的一组测试用例可以证实这一点。结果表明,该方法对于所有可允许的边界条件都具有最佳收敛性。



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