首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chromatography, Biomedical Applications >Determination of ionization efficinecy of glycated and non-glycated peptides from the N-terminal of hemoglobin #beta#-chain by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Determination of ionization efficinecy of glycated and non-glycated peptides from the N-terminal of hemoglobin #beta#-chain by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry


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We compared the ionization efficiency of glycated and non-glycated peptides for the HbAlc measurement method developed by Kobold et al. [Clin. Chem., 43 (1997) 1944] based on LC-ESI-MS analysis of the N-terminal peptides of the ~-chains released by cleavage of the hemoglobin with endoproteinase Glu-C. Taking half the peak area of the doubly charged ion and adding it to the area of the singly charged ion, we determined that the slope of the resulting calibration curve was nearly equal to I, and the reproducibility of the added values was better than the values calculated by the doubly or the singly charged ion alone.
机译:我们比较了由Kobold等人开发的HbAlc测量方法的糖化和非糖化肽的电离效率。 [临床。 Chem。,43(1997)1944]基于通过内切蛋白酶Glu-C裂解血红蛋白而释放的〜链N末端肽的LC-ESI-MS分析。取双电荷离子的峰面积的一半,并将其加到单电荷离子的面积上,我们确定所得校准曲线的斜率几乎等于I,并且相加值的重现性优于该值单用双电荷或单电荷离子计算。



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