首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Education >'Which Pathway Am I?' Using a Game Approach To Teach Students about Biochemical Pathways

'Which Pathway Am I?' Using a Game Approach To Teach Students about Biochemical Pathways


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The use of games to teach chemistry concepts has been described extensively in this Journal (1, 2) and is especially advocated to help students learn topics that require memorization or drill-and-practice. Some of these topics include the names and symbols of the elements (3–5), inorganic nomenclature and formula writing (6–9), organic nomenclature and functional groups (7, 10, 11), organic mechanisms (12), the names and one- and three-letter symbols for the amino acids (13), and the isomerization of monosaccharides (14). Although most of these articles have simply described the game to be used, one of these studies provided data to show that using games to teach inorganic nomenclature and formula writing improved students’ abilities to write chemical formulas and provide proper names for these compounds (8).
机译:在本期刊(1,2)中已广泛描述了使用游戏教授化学概念的过程,尤其是提倡使用该游戏来帮助学生学习需要记忆或练习的主题。其中一些主题包括元素的名称和符号(3-5),无机命名法和公式编写(6-9),有机命名法和官能团(7、10、11),有机机理(12),名称以及氨基酸的一字母和三字母符号(13)以及单糖的异构化(14)。尽管这些文章中的大多数只是简单地描述了要使用的游戏,但其中一项研究提供的数据表明,使用游戏教授无机命名法和公式的编写可以提高学生编写化学公式的能力,并为这些化合物提供适当的名称(8) 。



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