首页> 外文期刊>Journal of business and psychology fsponsored by the Business Psychology Research Institute >Proactive Personality Heterophily and the Moderating Role of Proactive Personality on Network Centrality and Psychological Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study

Proactive Personality Heterophily and the Moderating Role of Proactive Personality on Network Centrality and Psychological Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study


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Purpose In a social network study, this research investigates proactive personality dissimilarity as a basis for friendship ties over time. It also examines the moderating role of proactive personality on the relationship between network centrality and satisfaction/stress. Design/Methodology/Approach Longitudinal network data (two periods) were collected from business students (T1, n = 197; T2, n = 212). We captured the early stages of network formation and observed the changes in network structure over time. Findings Findings demonstrate proactive individuals develop ties with less proactive individuals over time, providing evidence of personality heterophily. In addition, proactive personality positively moderates the relationship between network centrality and satisfaction/stress. Interestingly, people’s perceptions of their network position (out-degree ties) were more strongly associated with their personal outcomes than their number of ties as nominated by others. Originality/Value This research is among the first to provide evidence of personality heterophily over time (relationships form because of differences in personality). Moreover, proactive personality is important to both the benefits and costs associated with network participation, pointing to paradoxical effects of proactive personality.
机译:目的在社交网络研究中,本研究调查积极主动的人格差异作为长期建立友谊关系的基础。它还检查了主动型人格在网络中心性与满意度/压力之间的关系中的调节作用。设计/方法/方法纵向网络数据(两个时期)是从商科学生那里收集的(T1,n = 197; T2,n = 212)。我们捕获了网络形成的早期阶段,并观察了网络结构随时间的变化。结果发现表明,随着时间的流逝,积极主动的人与积极主动的人发展了联系,提供了人格异质性的证据。此外,积极主动的人格积极地调节了网络中心性与满意度/压力之间的关系。有趣的是,人们对自己的网络位置(外向联系)的感知与个人成就之间的联系比其他人提名的联系的联系更为紧密。独创性/价值这项研究是最早提供随时间变化的人格异质性证据(由于人格差异而形成关系)的研究之一。此外,主动型人格对于与网络参与相关的收益和成本都很重要,指出了主动型人格的矛盾效应。



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