首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: The International Journal of Theoredtical and Basic Aspects of Adhesion Science and Its Applications in All Areas of Technology >Modelling and analysis of the electrostatic adhesion performance considering a rotary disturbance between the electrode panel and the attachment substrate

Modelling and analysis of the electrostatic adhesion performance considering a rotary disturbance between the electrode panel and the attachment substrate


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In real-world applications of electrostatic adhesion technology, the electrostatic adhesion force decreases when the electrode panel slides or rotates relative to the attachment substrate due to an external disturbance. However, little work has been done to study this phenomenon. This paper presents a model and analysis method to evaluate the electrostatic adhesion performance considering a rotary disturbance between the electrode panel and the attachment substrate. First, dynamic variations of the electric fields for any point on the attachment substrate are analysed. Then the decrease in the electrostatic adhesion force is explained based on the analysis results and our previous work. The analysis results and explanations are experimentally validated on three different attachment substrates. The fundamental cause of the decrease in adhesion force is the loss of the lined layer polarization due to the rotary disturbance. The results provide a good explanation to the phenomenon and make the existing electrostatic adhesion theory more self-consistent.


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