首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology >Inactivation of Crotalus atrox venom hemorrhagic activity by direct current exposure using hens' egg assay.

Inactivation of Crotalus atrox venom hemorrhagic activity by direct current exposure using hens' egg assay.


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The hemotoxic venoms of Viperidae and Crotalidae are responsible for most of the evenomations in the United States, West Africa, India, South-East Asia, New Guinea, and Latin America. We previously reported that a short exposure of Crotalus atrox venom to direct electric current (dc) from a low-voltage generator, in solution, causes consistent and irreversible inactivation of venom phospholipase A(2) and metalloproteases. Here we report by in vivo assay on chicken embryos at stage 18 of development according to Hamburger and Hamilton that the hemorrhagic activity of C. atrox venom is lost after exposure to dc (from low voltage). Venom was exposed to dc ranging between 0 and 1 mA. dc values above 0.7 mA abolished hemorrhage. Such in vivo data, showing that dc neutralizes C. atrox venom hemorrhagic activity suggest that a deeper knowledge is needed to understand the relationship among dc and biological matter.
机译:在美国,西非,印度,东南亚,新几内亚和拉丁美洲,毒蛇科和猪唇科的毒液毒液是造成大多数毒害的原因。我们以前曾报道过,溶液中的猪屎豆毒液短时间暴露于来自低压发生器的直流电(dc),会导致毒液磷脂酶A(2)和金属蛋白酶的持续且不可逆转的失活。在这里,根据汉堡和汉密尔顿,我们通过体内试验对处于发育阶段18的鸡胚胎进行了报告,结果表明,暴露于直流电(来自低压)后,梭梭毒液的出血活性丧失了。毒液暴露于0至1 mA的直流电。高于0.7 mA的dc值消除了出血。此类体内数据显示dc可中和C. atrox毒液的出血活性,这表明需要更深入的知识来理解dc与生物物质之间的关系。



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