首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Effect of overexpression of fatty acid 9-hydroperoxide lyase in tomatoes(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

Effect of overexpression of fatty acid 9-hydroperoxide lyase in tomatoes(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)


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To modify the flavor properties of tomato fruits, cucumber fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase (HPL), which can act on 9-hydroperoxides of fatty acids to form volatile C9-aldehydes, was introduced to tomato plants. Through enzyme assay, high activity of the introduced HPL could be found in either the leaves or fruits of transgenic tomatoes; however, the composition of volatile short-chain aldehydes and alcohols in the transgenic tomato fruits was little modified. This was unexpected because tomato fruits have high lipoxygenase activity to form 9-hydroperoxides. When linoleic acid was added to a crude homogenate prepared from the transgenic tomato fruits, a high amount of C9-aldehyde was formed.. but the amount of C6-aldehyde was almost equivalent to that in nontransgenic tomatoes. Through quantification of fatty acid hydroperoxides, it has been revealed that 13-hydroperoxides of fatty acids are preferably formed from endogenous substrate, whereas 9-hydroperoxides are formed from fatty acids added exogenously. From these observations, possible mechanisms to regulate metabolic flow of the lyase pathway are discussed.



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