首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Education >Describing the cognitive level of professor discourse and student cognition in college of agriculture class sessions.

Describing the cognitive level of professor discourse and student cognition in college of agriculture class sessions.


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The purpose of this study was to describe the cognitive level of professor discourse and student cognition during selected college of agriculture class sessions. Twenty-one undergraduate class sessions were videotaped in 12 professors' courses. Results were interpreted to show that professors' discourse was mostly (62%) at the knowledge and comprehension levels of cognition, the lower levels of cognitive thought (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). During the 21 class sessions, 1,448 student thoughts were recorded. Forty percent (n = 564) of those thoughts were found to be engaged. Engaged thoughts were then analyzed using Bloom's Taxonomy (1956). Sixty-two percent of the total 564 engaged thoughts occurred at the knowledge and comprehension levels of cognition. The cognitive levels of professor discourse and student cognition (engaged thoughts categorized and weighted using Bloom's Taxonomy) were mostly at the two lowest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, knowledge and comprehension. Recommendations included professor and student awareness of the cognitive levels at which they teach and think, and further study of relationships between professor and student variables. (Contains 5 tables and 1 figure.)
机译:这项研究的目的是描述在选定的农业学院课程中教授话语和学生认知的认知水平。在12个教授课程中录制了21个本科课程。解释结果表明,教授的话语大部分(62%)处于认知的知识和理解水平,而认知思想的水平较低(Bloom,Engelhart,Furst,Hill和Krathwohl,1956年)。在这21堂课中,记录了1,448个学生的想法。这些想法中有40%(n = 564)参与其中。然后,使用布鲁姆(Bloom)的《分类法》(1956)对订婚思想进行了分析。在564个参与的思想中,有62%发生在认知的知识和理解水平上。教授话语和学生认知(使用布鲁姆分类法对参与思想进行分类和加权)的认知水平大多处于布鲁姆分类法的两个最低水平,即知识和理解。建议包括教授和学生对他们所教和思考的认知水平的认识,以及进一步研究教授和学生变量之间的关系。 (包含5个表和1个图。)



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