首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences >A note on changes in the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the caecal content of laying hens due to addition of fresh grass to the diet

A note on changes in the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the caecal content of laying hens due to addition of fresh grass to the diet


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Twenty laying hens (Hy Line) kept in individual cages were randomly divided into two groups, B and BG. Both groups were fed a basal diet ad libitum, hens from group BG additionally received 25 g of fresh chopped grass per day in separate feeders. The experiment lasted twelve days, at the end all birds were slaughtered and the content of the caecum was sampled. Total and individual short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in caecal contents were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography. The total amount of SCFA in caecal digesta of hens fed diets with added fresh grass was lower by 27% in comparison with group B (Pless than or equal to0.05), however, the proportions between acetic, propionic and butyric acids were similar in both groups. In both groups the level of acetic acid was highest followed by propionic and butyric acids (Pless than or equal to0.05).
机译:饲养在单独笼子中的20只蛋鸡(Hy系)被随机分为B和BG两组。两组均自由进食基础饮食,BG组的母鸡每天另外在单独的喂食器中接受25 g新鲜切碎的草。实验持续了十二天,最后屠宰了所有家禽,并对盲肠的内容物进行了采样。通过高压液相色谱法测定盲肠内容物中的总和单个短链脂肪酸(SCFA)浓度。与B组相比,饲喂添加新鲜草的母鸡的盲肠消化道中的SCFA总量降低了27%(P小于或等于0.05),但是乙酸,丙酸和丁酸之间的比例相似。两组。两组中乙酸水平最高,其次是丙酸和丁酸(P小于或等于0.05)。



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