首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Mental health, social functioning, and disability in postwar Afghanistan.

Mental health, social functioning, and disability in postwar Afghanistan.


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CONTEXT: More than 2 decades of conflict have led to widespread human suffering and population displacement in Afghanistan. In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other collaborating partners performed a national population-based mental health survey in Afghanistan. OBJECTIVE: To provide national estimates of mental health status of the disabled (any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner considered normal for a human being) and nondisabled Afghan population aged at least 15 years. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A national multistage, cluster, population-based mental health survey of 799 adult household members (699 nondisabled and 100 disabled respondents) aged 15 years or older conducted from July to September 2002. Fifty district-level clusters were selected based on probability proportional to size sampling. One village was randomly selected in each cluster and 15 households were randomly selected in each village, yielding 750 households. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Demographics, social functioning as measured by selected questions from the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, depressive symptoms measured by the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25, trauma events and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) measured by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, and culture-specific symptoms of mental illness and coping mechanisms. RESULTS: A total of 407 respondents (62.0%) reported experiencing at least 4 trauma events during the previous 10 years. The most common trauma events experienced by the respondents were lack of food and water (56.1%) for nondisabled persons and lack of shelter (69.7%) for disabled persons. The prevalence of respondents with symptoms of depression was 67.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 54.6%-80.7%) and 71.7% (95% CI, 65.0%-78.4%), and symptoms of anxiety 72.2% (95% CI, 63.8%-80.7%) and 84.6% (95% CI, 74.1%-95.0%) for nondisabled and disabled respondents, respectively. The prevalence of symptoms of PTSD was similar for both groups (nondisabled, 42.1%; 95% CI, 34.2%-50.1%; and disabled, 42.2%; 95% CI, 29.2%-55.2%). Women had significantly poorer mental health status than men did. Respondents who were disabled had significantly lower social functioning and poorer mental health status than those who were nondisabled. Feelings of hatred were high (84% of nondisabled and 81% of disabled respondents). Coping mechanisms included religious and spiritual practices; focusing on basic needs, such as higher income, better housing, and more food; and seeking medical assistance. CONCLUSIONS: In this nationally representative survey of Afghans, prevalence rates of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD were high. These data underscore the need for donors and health care planners to address the current lack of mental health care resources, facilities, and trained mental health care professionals in Afghanistan.
机译:背景:超过20年的冲突导致阿富汗境内广泛的人类苦难和人口流离失所。 2002年,疾病控制与预防中心和其他合作伙伴在阿富汗进行了一项基于全国人口的精神健康调查。目的:提供全国估计的残疾人(至少被认为对人类正常的活动受到限制或缺乏开展活动的能力)和至少15岁的阿富汗残疾人的心理健康状况。设计,地点和参与者:2002年7月至2002年9月,进行了一项全国性的多阶段,成组,基于人群的心理健康调查,调查对象是799名15岁以上的成年家庭成员(699名残疾人和100名残疾人)。根据与大小抽样成正比的概率选择。每个集群中随机选择一个村庄,每个村庄中随机选择15户,产生750户。主要观察指标:人口统计学,社会功能(通过医学成果研究36项简短健康调查中的选定问题进行测量),抑郁症状(通过霍普金斯症状清单25进行测量),创伤事件和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的症状进行测量哈佛创伤问卷调查,以及特定于文化的精神疾病症状和应对机制。结果:共有407位受访者(62.0%)报告说,在过去10年中经历了至少4次创伤事件。受访者经历的最常见的创伤事件是非残疾人缺乏食物和水(56.1%),以及残疾人缺乏住房(69.7%)。抑郁症状的受访者患病率为67.7%(95%置信区间[CI],54.6%-80.7%)和71.7%(95%CI,65.0%-78.4%),焦虑症状为72.2%(95%)非残障和残障受访者的CI分别为63.8%-80.7%)和84.6%(95%CI为74.1%-95.0%)。两组的PTSD症状患病率相似(未禁用,42.1%; 95%CI,34.2%-50.1%;残疾,42.2%; 95%CI,29.2%-55.2%)。女人的心理健康状况明显比男人差。与非残疾者相比,残疾者的社会功能明显降低,心理健康状况较差。仇恨感很高(84%的残障人士和81%的残障受访者)。应对机制包括宗教和精神实践;关注基本需求,例如更高的收入,更好的住房和更多的食物;并寻求医疗帮助。结论:在这项全国代表性的阿富汗人调查中,抑郁,焦虑和PTSD症状的患病率很高。这些数据强调了捐助者和卫生保健计划者需要解决阿富汗目前缺乏精神卫生保健资源,设施和训练有素的精神卫生保健专业人员的问题。



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