首页> 外文期刊>Human Molecular Genetics >BRCA1 interacts directly with the Fanconi anemia protein FANCA.

BRCA1 interacts directly with the Fanconi anemia protein FANCA.


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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by skeletal defects, anemia, chromosomal instability and increased risk of leukemia. At the cellular level FA is characterized by increased sensitivity to agents forming interstrand crosslinks (ICL) in DNA. Six FA genes have been cloned and interactions among individual FANC proteins have been found. The FANCD2 protein co-localizes in nuclear foci with the BRCA1 protein following DNA damage and during S-phase, requiring the FANCA, C, E and G proteins to do so. This finding may reflect a direct role for the BRCA1 protein in double strand break (DSB) repair and interaction with the FANC proteins. Therefore interactions between BRCA1 and the FANC proteins were investigated. Among the known FANC proteins, we find evidence for direct interaction only between the FANCA protein and BRCA1. The evidence rests on three different tests: yeast two-hybrid analysis, coimmunoprecipitation from in vitro synthesis, and coimmunoprecipitation from cell extracts. The amino terminal portion of FANCA and the central part (aa 740-1083) of BRCA1 contain the sites of interaction. The interaction does not depend on DNA damage, thus FANCA and BRCA1 are constitutively interacting. The demonstrated interaction directly connects BRCA1 to the FA pathway of DNA repair.
机译:范可尼贫血(FA)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传疾病,其特征是骨骼缺陷,贫血,染色体不稳定和白血病风险增加。在细胞水平上,FA的特征是对在DNA中形成链间交联(ICL)的试剂的敏感性增加。已克隆了六个FA基因,并发现了单个FANC蛋白之间的相互作用。在DNA损伤后和S期,FANCD2蛋白与BRCA1蛋白共定位在核灶中,这需要FANCA,C,E和G蛋白进行。这一发现可能反映了BRCA1蛋白在双链断裂(DSB)修复和与FANC蛋白相互作用中的直接作用。因此,研究了BRCA1和FANC蛋白之间的相互作用。在已知的FANC蛋白中,我们发现仅在FANCA蛋白和BRCA1之间直接相互作用的证据。证据基于三个不同的测试:酵母双杂交分析,体外合成的共免疫沉淀和细胞提取物的共免疫沉淀。 FANCA的氨基末端部分和BRCA1的中央部分(aa 740-1083)包含相互作用位点。相互作用不取决于DNA损伤,因此FANCA和BRCA1是组成性相互作用。所展示的相互作用将BRCA1直接连接到DNA修复的FA途径。



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