首页> 外文期刊>Health & social care in the community >Motivation to physical activity among adults with high risk of type 2 diabetes who participated in the Oulu substudy of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.

Motivation to physical activity among adults with high risk of type 2 diabetes who participated in the Oulu substudy of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.


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Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by lifestyle changes such as sufficient level of physical activity. The number of persons at high risk of or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is increasing all over the world. In order to prevent type 2 diabetes and develop exercise counselling, more studies on motivators and barriers to physical activity are needed. Thus, the aim of this qualitative study was to describe the motivators and barriers to physical activity among individuals with high risk of type 2 diabetes who participated in a substudy of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study in Oulu and to consider whether the motivators or barriers changed during the follow-up from 2003 to 2008. Questionnaires with open-ended questions were conducted twice: in the first follow-up in 2003 altogether 63 participants answered the questionnaire (n = 93), and in the second follow-up in 2008 altogether 71 participants answered the questionnaire (n = 82). Thus, response rate was 68% in 2003 and 87% in 2008. The study was conducted in the city of Oulu in Finland. Qualitative data were analysed by inductive content analysis using the QSR NVivo 8 software. The results of this study showed that motivators to physical activity included weight management, feelings of physical and mental well being. In addition, social relationships associated with exercise were also motivators. In conclusion, we present that regular counselling is important in order to promote exercise among older people, and that motivators to exercise are strengthened by positive experiences of exercise as one grows older.
机译:可以通过改变生活方式,例如进行足够的体育锻炼来预防2型糖尿病。在世界范围内,罹患2型糖尿病的高风险或诊断出的人数正在增加。为了预防2型糖尿病并开展运动咨询,需要对动机和身体活动障碍进行更多研究。因此,本定性研究的目的是描述参加奥卢(Oulu)芬兰糖尿病预防研究子研究的2型糖尿病高危人群中体育锻炼的动机和障碍,并考虑在此期间动机或障碍是否发生了变化在2003年至2008年的随访中进行了两次带有不限成员名额问题的问卷调查:在2003年的第一次随访中,共有63名参与者回答了问卷(n = 93),在2008年的第二次随访中,共有71名参与者。参与者回答了问卷(n = 82)。因此,2003年的响应率为68%,2008年的响应率为87%。该研究是在芬兰奥卢市进行的。使用QSR NVivo 8软件通过归纳内容分析来分析定性数据。这项研究的结果表明,体育锻炼的动机包括体重控制,身心健康的感觉。此外,与运动有关的社会关系也是激励因素。总之,我们认为定期咨询对促进老年人的锻炼很重要,随着年龄的增长,积极的锻炼经验会增强锻炼的动机。



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