首页> 外文会议>2011 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace Electronic Systems Technology >Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset

Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset




Illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) patients makes it complicated to perform sufficient self-care, resulting in prolonged episodes of hyperglycemia and fluctuating blood glucose (BG) concentrations. Prolonged episodes of hyperglycemia elevate the risk of the patient developing diabetic complications, which makes infections such as common cold, influenza and influenza like illness more harmful for T1DM patients than the normal population. TTL, NST and AAU are researching a method of predicting illness in T1DM patients, using patient observable parameters. Daily BG measurements are identified as a relevant patient observable parameter, due to early rise when infected and elevated HbA1C during illness. A Smartphone based system is developed that allows patients to monitor BG concentrations and report symptoms of illness and illness. Data gathered by patients through use of this device, will be used to test the hypothesis that changes in daily BG measurements can be used to predict illness in T1DM patients, before symptoms onset. A successful prediction model will enable patients to get early indication of upcoming illness, before they are bedridden. Patients can thus actively take precautions to avoid or shorten illness episodes or make these less severe and/or have healthy BG concentrations during illness. This project is breaking new grounds by detecting illness before the onset of symptoms and illness, and an illness prediction model using patient observable parameters will be an important advance in the field of disease surveillance and prediction.
机译:1型糖尿病(T1DM)患者的疾病使其难以进行足够的自我护理,从而导致高血糖发作时间延长和血糖(BG)浓度波动。高血糖发作时间延长会增加患者发生糖尿病并发症的风险,这使普通感冒,流感和类似流感的疾病对T1DM患者的危害比正常人群更大。 TTL,NST和AAU正在研究使用患者可观察参数预测T1DM患者疾病的方法。由于感染时的早期升高和疾病期间HbA 1C 升高,每日BG测量被确定为患者可观察的相关参数。开发了基于智能手机的系统,该系统使患者能够监测BG浓度并报告疾病症状。患者通过使用此设备收集的数据将用于检验以下假设:在症状发作之前,每日BG测量值的变化可用于预测T1DM患者的疾病。一个成功的预测模型将使患者能够在卧床不起之前就及早发现即将发生的疾病。因此,患者可以积极地采取预防措施,以避免或缩短疾病发作或使这些发作变得较不严重和/或在疾病期间具有健康的BG浓度。该项目通过在症状和疾病发作之前检测疾病来开拓新的领域,使用患者可观察参数的疾病预测模型将是疾病监测和预测领域的重要进展。



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