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Improvements in cross-border access to health care within the European union


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On July 12, 2001, the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) announced its long-awaited decision in Vanbraekel v. Alliance Nationale des Mutualites Chretiennes,' offering its interpretation of Council Regulation 1408/71 article 22, and E.C. Treaty article 49, on the freedom to provide services. The dispute in Vanbraekel arose when a Belgian health insurance fund, Alliance Nationale des Mutualites Chretiennes (ANMC), refused to cover the cost of Jeanne Descamps' orthopedic surgery in France. Descamps sued for payment on the ground of a violation of E.C. law. The Court concluded that Descamps was entitled to a reimbursement calculated according to Belgian law, which was closer to the actual cost of her treatment. This ruling is significant because it further integrates the two parallel regimes applicable to cross-border medical care: the social security provisions of Regulation 1408/71 and the provisions on the freedom to provide services in E.C. Treaty article 49. Given the key role that services have in today's economy, European Community jurisprudence in this area has moved forward significantly in the last decade, and has begun to affect the current structure of Member State social security systems. Because Member States used Regulation 1408/71's restrictive language to keep limits on cross-border medical care, the ECJ has recently started to use article 49 of the E.C. Treaty to expand the benefits established in the Regulation. This case reflects a steady trend in the case law of the ECJ in favor of further enhancing the ability of Europeans to move freely and benefit from deeper health integration within the European Union. This trend is another example of the ECJ's central role in the European integration process: the ECJ limits Member State competence in favor of the European Community in a policy realm in which the founding treaties have conferred almost no powers to Community institutions.
机译:2001年7月12日,欧洲共同体法院(ECJ)在Vanbraekel诉National Mutual Mutual Chretiennes案中宣布了期待已久的裁决,对欧盟理事会第1408/71号条例第22条和《欧盟条约》的规定作了解释。 49,关于提供服务的自由。当比利时健康保险基金,国家医疗互助联盟(ANMC)拒绝支付让妮·德桑普斯(Jeanne Descamps)在法国进行的矫形外科手术的费用时,在Vanbraekel引起了争议。降落以违反E.C.法律为由提起诉讼。法院的结论是,Descamps有权获得根据比利时法律计算出的报销额,该报酬接近她的实际治疗费用。该裁定意义重大,因为它进一步整合了适用于跨境医疗的两个平行制度:第1408/71号条例的社会保障规定和《欧盟条约》第49条中有关提供服务自由的规定。鉴于服务的关键作用在当今的经济中,欧洲共同体在这方面的判例在过去十年中已取得重大进展,并已开始影响成员国社会保障体系的当前结构。由于成员国使用条例1408/71的限制性语言来限制跨境医疗服务,因此欧洲法院最近开始使用《欧盟条约》第49条来扩大该条例中确立的利益。此案反映了欧洲法院判例法的稳定趋势,有利于进一步增强欧洲人自由行动的能力,并从欧盟内部更深层次的健康融合中受益。这种趋势是欧洲法院在欧洲一体化进程中的核心作用的另一个例子:欧洲法院在创始条约几乎没有赋予欧共体机构权力的政策领域中,限制成员国的能力以支持欧洲共同体。



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