首页> 外文期刊>Hepatology research: the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology >Cost-effectiveness analysis on the surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis patients using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography

Cost-effectiveness analysis on the surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis patients using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography


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Aim: Sonazoid is a new contrast agent for ultrasonography (US). Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) using Sonazoid enables Kupffer imaging, which improves the sensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) detection. However, there are no studies on the cost-effectiveness of HCC surveillance using Sonazoid. Methods: We constructed a Markov model simulating the natural history of HCV-related liver cirrhosis (LC) patients, and compared three strategies (no surveillance, US surveillance and CEUS surveillance). The transition probability and cost data were obtained from published data. The simulation and analysis were performed using TreeAge pro 2009 software. Results: When compared to the no surveillance group, the US and CEUS surveillance groups increased the life expectancy by 1.67 and 1.99 quality-adjusted life-years (QALY), respectively, and the incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) were 17296 $US/QALY and 18384 $US/QALY, respectively. These results were both less than the commonly-accepted threshold of $US 50000/QALY. Even if the CEUS surveillance group was compared with the US surveillance group, the ICER was $US 24250 and thus cost-effective. Sensitivity analysis showed that the annual incidence of HCC and CEUS sensitivity were two critical parameters. However, when the annual incidence of HCC is more than 2% and/or the CEUS sensitivity is more than 80%, the ICER was also cost-effective. Conclusions: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography surveillance for HCC is a cost-effective strategy for LC patients and gains their longest additional life years, with similar degree of ICER in the US surveillance group. CEUS surveillance using Sonazoid is expected to be used not only in Japan, but also world-wide.
机译:目的:Sonazoid是一种用于超声检查(美国)的新型造影剂。使用Sonazoid的超声造影(CEUS)可实现Kupffer成像,从而提高了肝细胞癌(HCC)检测的灵敏度。但是,尚无关于使用Sonazoid进行HCC监测的成本效益的研究。方法:我们建立了一个马尔可夫模型来模拟HCV相关肝硬化(LC)患者的自然病程,并比较了三种策略(无监视,US监视和CEUS监视)。过渡概率和成本数据是从已发布的数据中获得的。使用TreeAge pro 2009软件进行仿真和分析。结果:与无监测组相比,美国和CEUS监测组的预期寿命分别增加了1.67和1.99质量调整生命年(QALY),增量成本效益比(ICER)为17296 $ US / QALY和18384 $ US / QALY。这些结果均低于普遍接受的50000美元/ QALY阈值。即使将CEUS监视组与美国监视组进行比较,ICER为24250美元,因此具有成本效益。敏感性分析表明,HCC和CEUS敏感性的年发病率是两个关键参数。但是,当每年HCC的发生率超过2%和/或CEUS敏感性超过80%时,ICER也具有成本效益。结论:肝癌的超声造影检查是一种成本有效的策略,对LC患者而言,并且可以延长他们的最长寿命,与美国监测组的ICER相似。使用Sonazoid的CEUS监视有望不仅在日本而且在世界范围内使用。



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