首页> 外文期刊>Health promotion international >Consumer testing of the acceptability and effectiveness of front-of-pack food labelling systems for the Australian grocery market.

Consumer testing of the acceptability and effectiveness of front-of-pack food labelling systems for the Australian grocery market.


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The placement of nutrition information on the front of food packages has been proposed as a method of providing simplified and visible nutrition information. This study aimed to determine the most acceptable and effective front-of-pack food labelling system for Australian consumers. Consumers' preferences and ability to compare the healthiness of mock food products were assessed for different front-of-pack labelling systems. Four systems were tested, including two variations of the Percentage Daily Intake system (Monochrome %DI and Colour-Coded %DI), which displays the proportion of daily nutrient contribution that a serve of food provides; and two variations of the Traffic Light (TL) system (Traffic Light and Traffic Light + Overall Rating), which uses colour-coding to indicate nutrient levels. Intercept surveys with 790 consumers were conducted, where each participant was exposed to a single labelling system for performance testing. Participants indicated strong support for the inclusion of nutrient information on total fat, saturated fat, sugar and sodium on the front of packages, and a consistent labelling format across all products. Using the TL system, participants were five times more likely to identify healthier foods compared with the Monochrome %DI system [odds ratio (OR) = 5.18; p < 0.001], and three times more likely compared with the Colour-Coded %DI system (OR = 3.01; p < 0.05). Consumers supported the introduction of consistent front-of-pack food labelling. The TL system was the most effective in assisting consumers to identify healthier foods. Mandatory TL labelling regulations are recommended to assist consumers in making healthy food choices.
机译:已经提出将营养信息放置在食品包装的正面上作为提供简化的和可见的营养信息的方法。这项研究旨在确定最适合澳大利亚消费者的包装前食品标签系统。针对不同的包装前标签系统,评估了消费者对模拟食品健康性的偏好和比较能力。测试了四个系统,其中包括每日摄入量百分比系统的两个变体(单色%DI和以颜色编码的%DI),该系统显示了一份食物提供的每日营养贡献的比例;红绿灯(TL)系统的两种变体(红绿灯和红绿灯+总体评级),使用颜色代码表示营养水平。进行了790名消费者的拦截调查,每个参与者都被暴露在一个单独的标签系统中以进行性能测试。与会者表示强烈支持在包装的正面添加有关总脂肪,饱和脂肪,糖和钠的营养信息,并在所有产品中采用一致的标签格式。使用TL系统,与单色%DI系统相比,参与者发现健康食品的可能性要高出五倍[赔率(OR)= 5.18; p <0.001],并且是采用颜色编码%DI系统的三倍(OR = 3.01; p <0.05)。消费者支持采用一致的包装前食品标签。 TL系统在协助消费者识别更健康的食品方面最有效。建议使用强制性TL标签规定,以帮助消费者做出健康的食物选择。



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