首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound >Diagnostic sensitivity and interobserver agreement of radiography and ultrasonography for detecting trochlear ridge osteochondrosis lesions in the equine stifle.

Diagnostic sensitivity and interobserver agreement of radiography and ultrasonography for detecting trochlear ridge osteochondrosis lesions in the equine stifle.


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Osteochondrosis lesions commonly occur on the femoral trochlear ridges in horses and radiography and ultrasonography are routinely used to diagnose these lesions. However, poor correlation has been found between radiographic and arthroscopic findings of affected trochlear ridges. Interobserver agreement for ultrasonographic diagnoses and correlation between ultrasonographic and arthroscopic findings have not been previously described. Objectives of this study were to describe diagnostic sensitivity and interobserver agreement of radiography and ultrasonography for detecting and grading osteochondrosis lesions of the equine trochlear ridges, using arthroscopy as the reference standard. Twenty-two horses were sampled. Two observers independently recorded radiographic and ultrasonographic findings without knowledge of arthroscopic findings. Imaging findings were compared between observers and with arthroscopic findings. Agreement between observers was moderate to excellent ( kappa 0.48-0.86) for detecting lesions using radiography and good to excellent ( kappa 0.74-0.87) for grading lesions using radiography. Agreement between observers was good to excellent ( kappa 0.78-0.94) for detecting lesions using ultrasonography and very good to excellent ( kappa 0.86-0.93) for grading lesions using ultrasonography. Diagnostic sensitivity was 84-88% for radiography and 100% for ultrasonography. Diagnostic specificity was 89-100% for radiography and 60-82% for ultrasonography. Agreement between radiography and arthroscopy was good ( kappa 0.64-0.78). Agreement between ultrasonography and arthroscopy was very good to excellent ( kappa 0.81-0.87). Findings from this study support ultrasound as a preferred method for predicting presence and severity of osteochondrosis lesions involving the femoral trochlear ridges in horses.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/vru.12004
机译:骨软骨病病变通常发生在马的股骨滑车脊上,放射线照相和超声检查通常被用来诊断这些病变。但是,已发现受影响的滑车的影像学检查和关节镜检查结果之间的相关性较差。超声诊断的观察者间协议以及超声与关节镜检查结果之间的相关性以前没有被描述过。这项研究的目的是描述以关节镜作为参考标准,用于诊断和分级马滑车脊骨骨软骨病病变的放射线照相和超声检查的诊断敏感性和观察者间的一致性。采样了22匹马。两名观察员在不了解关节镜检查结果的情况下独立记录了射线照相和超声检查结果。观察者之间的影像学检查结果与关节镜检查结果进行了比较。观察者之间的一致性通过射线照相发现病变的程度为中度至优(kappa 0.48-0.86),而对于使用射线照相对病变进行分级的观察者的一致性为中至优(kappa 0.74-0.87)。观察者之间的一致性对于使用超声检查来发现病变是良好的(kappa为0.78-0.94),对于使用超声检查对病变进行分级是非常好的(kappa为0.86-0.93)。放射线照相的诊断敏感性为84-88%,超声波照相的诊断敏感性为100%。 X线摄影的诊断特异性为89-100%,B超的诊断特异性为60-82%。放射线照相术和关节镜检查之间的一致性良好(kappa为0.64-0.78)。超声检查和关节镜检查之间的一致性非常好,甚至极好(kappa 0.81-0.87)。这项研究的结果支持超声作为预测涉及马股骨滑车脊的骨软骨病病变的存在和严重程度的首选方法。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/vru.12004



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