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BAX326 (RIXUBIS): a novel recombinant factor IX for the control and prevention of bleeding episodes in adults and children with hemophilia B


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Hemophilia B management has improved considerably since the introduction of high-purity plasma-derived factor IX (pdFIX) products in the early 1990s. Recombinant FIX (rFIX) was introduced more recently and has potential safety advantages over the older blood-based products. Until recently, only one such product, nonacog alfa (BeneFIX?, Pfizer, Inc.], has been available. However, a new rFIX product, BAX326 (RIXUBIS, Baxter Healthcare Corp.], has now been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. BAX326 undergoes rigorous virus elimination and purification steps during manufacture, and has low activated FIX activity, which confers low thrombogenic potential in humans. Preclinical studies showed promising pharmacokinetic and safety profiles, and these early findings have since been expanded in a series of prospective, multicenter, clinical studies. Foremost among these is a pivotal phase I/ III study of BAX326 and its use in routine prophylaxis or on-demand treatment in patients aged 12-65 years with severe (FIX level <1%) or moderately severe (FIX level =<2%l hemophilia B. This study confirmed the pharmacokinetic equivalence of BAX326 and nonacog alfa, and showed a significant reduction in annualized bleeding rate with BAX326 prophylaxis compared with on-demand treatment (79% versus historic controls; p< 0.001]. The hemostatic efficacy of BAX326 was rated as 'excellent' or 'good' in 96% of bleeds. BAX326 was also associated with statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in physical health-related quality of life. Results are similarly encouraging in a pediatric study in children aged up to 12 years and in a study in hemophilia B patients undergoing surgery. A further study showed safe transition, with no inhibitor formation in any patient, from treatment with a pdFIX product to BAX326. Overall, the safety profile of BAX326 in clinical trials has been strong, with no inhibitor or specific antibody formation, thrombosis, or treatment-related serious adverse events or anaphylaxis.
机译:自从1990年代初引入高纯度血浆衍生的IX因子(pdFIX)产品以来,血友病B的管理已大大改善。重组FIX(rFIX)是最近才推出的,与旧的基于血液的产品相比具有潜在的安全优势。直到最近,只有一种这样的产品,nonacog alfa(BeneFIX ?,辉瑞公司)可用;但是,一种新的rFIX产品,BAX326(RIXUBIS,Baxter Healthcare Corp.),目前已获得美国食品和药物管理局的批准。药物管理:BAX326在生产过程中经过严格的病毒清除和纯化步骤,FIX活性低,赋予人类较低的血栓形成潜能;临床前研究表明,该药的药代动力学和安全性前景广阔,这些早期发现已在一系列药物中得到扩展。前瞻性,多中心,临床研究,其中最重要的是BAX326的重要I / III期研究及其在重症(FIX水平<1%)或中度重症的12-65岁患者的常规预防或按需治疗中的应用(FIX水平= <2%l血友病B。该研究证实了BAX326和nonacog alfa的药代动力学等效性,并且与机智相比,BAX326预防性出血的年发生率显着降低h按需治疗(与历史对照相比为79%; p <0.001]。 BAX326的止血功效在96%的出血中被评为“优秀”或“良好”。 BAX326还与与身体健康相关的生活质量具有统计学意义和临床意义的改善相关。一项针对12岁以下儿童的儿科研究以及一项接受手术的B型血友病患者的研究结果同样令人鼓舞。进一步的研究表明,从使用pdFIX产品治疗到BAX326的治疗安全过渡​​,没有任何患者形成抑制剂。总体而言,BAX326在临床试验中的安全性很强,没有抑制剂或特异性抗体形成,血栓形成或与治疗相关的严重不良事件或过敏反应。



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