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Concurrent high-performance liquid chromatographic measurement of loxapine and amoxapine and of their hydroxylated metabolites in plasma.


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The dibenzoxazepine neuroleptic loxapine, its N-demethylated metabolite amoxapine, and their 7- and 8-hydroxymetabolites were measured simultaneously in plasma by reversed-phase high-performance chromatographic method. An original liquid-liquid extraction procedure was performed, consisting in coextraction of the substances together with a water-miscible solvent (acetonitrile) by a non-water-miscible solvent (toluene). The substances were separated on a 5-microm CN 25-cm column, and eluted with a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile-acetic acid 0.5 N (30:70) and hexylamine (0.05%). They were detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometry at 310 nm. Clozapine was used as internal standard. Linearity was demonstrated in the range of 10 to 250 microg/l, and detection limits were found to be 3.5 to 6.3 microg/l according to the substance. Within-day repeatability ranged from 2.7% to 6.5%, and between-day reproducibility ranged from 0.9% to 20.2%. The extraction procedure provided a mean absolute recovery of 51.1% (range, 40.7% to 58.6%) with a mean coefficient of variation of 4.2%. This technique was applied to the concurrent determination of plasma concentrations of the compounds in 10 patients administered loxapine 75 to 600 mg daily. Steady state plasma levels of loxapine were significantly correlated with oral doses (n = 10, r = 0.858, p < 0.002). In conclusion, the method proved to be a convenient and reproducible procedure allowing the simultaneous measurement of loxapine, amoxapine, and their metabolites in patients.
机译:用反相高效色谱法同时测定血浆中的二苯并氮杂ze类精神抑制药洛沙平,其N-去甲基代谢产物阿莫沙平及其7-和8-羟基代谢物。进行了原始的液-液萃取程序,包括通过非水溶性溶剂(甲苯)将物质与水溶性溶剂(乙腈)一起共萃取。将这些物质在5微米CN 25-cm色谱柱上分离,并用由0.5 N的乙腈-乙酸(30:70)和己胺(0.05%)组成的流动相洗脱。通过紫外分光光度法在310 nm处检测到它们。氯氮平用作内标。线性被证明在10到250微克/升的范围内,根据该物质,检测限为3.5到6.3微克/升。日内重复性在2.7%至6.5%之间,日间重现性在0.9%至20.2%之间。萃取程序的平均绝对回收率为51.1%(范围为40.7%至58.6%),平均变异系数为4.2%。这项技术被用于同时测定每天接受75至600 mg洛沙平的10名患者的血浆血浆浓度。洛沙平的稳态血浆水平与口服剂量显着相关(n = 10,r = 0.858,p <0.002)。总之,该方法被证明是一种方便且可重复的方法,可以同时测量患者中的洛沙平,阿莫沙平及其代谢产物。



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