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Preliminary trial on the reproducibility of epizootic lymphangitis through experimental infection of two horses


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Epizootic lymphangitis (EL) was experimentally reproduced in four horses that had been purchased from an EL-free district. Two horses were injected with either 0.2mL of the yeast form of Histoplasma capsulatum var. farciminosum (HCF) in pus (Horse 1), or 0.2mL (ca. 20mg) of a suspension in saline of the mycelial form (Horse 2), both into the pre-scapular and pre-femoral lymph nodes, with scarification of the skin of the left hind limb, conjunctiva of the right eye and the nasal membrane of the right nostril. The two other horses served as controls. Nodular lesions of EL appeared during the fourth week of infection at all sites in the horse infected with the yeast form. Lesions only appeared in the lymph nodes and skin scratches of the horse infected with the mycelial suspension after three months. The control horses showed no clinical signs. The yeast form was recovered from the lesions of both infected horses. Similarly, the mycelial form was isolated from both horses on Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar. This experiment showed the reproducibility of clinical EL through experimental infection, and has laid the groundwork for the evaluation of the potency of a vaccine against EL using a vaccination and challenge experiment.
机译:在从无EL地区购买的四匹马中,实验性地复制了流行性淋巴管炎(EL)。向两匹马注射0.2mL荚膜组织胞浆酵母的酵母形式。脓液(马1)中的farciminosum(HCF)或菌丝体形式的盐水(马2)中的0.2mL(约20mg)悬浮液进入肩cap前和股前前淋巴结,左后肢皮肤,右眼结膜和右鼻孔鼻膜。另外两匹马作为对照。 EL的结节性病变在感染的第四周出现在被酵母菌感染的马的所有部位。三个月后,病变仅出现在感染了菌丝体悬液的马的淋巴结和皮肤划痕中。对照马没有临床症状。从两匹感染马的皮损中恢复了酵母形式。同样,菌丝形式是从萨布罗德的右旋糖琼脂糖上分离出来的。该实验显示了通过实验感染可再现临床EL的可重复性,并为通过疫苗接种和攻击实验评估抗EL疫苗的效力奠定了基础。



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