首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Food stress causes sex-specific maternal effects in mites

Food stress causes sex-specific maternal effects in mites


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Life history theory predicts that females should produce few large eggs under food stress and many small eggs when food is abundant. We tested this prediction in three female-biased size-dimorphic predatory mites feeding on herbivorous spidermite prey: Phytoseiulus persimilis, a specialized spider mite predator; Neoseiulus californicus, a generalist preferring spider mites; Amblyseius andersoni, a broad diet generalist. Irrespective of predator species and offspring sex, most females laid only one small egg under severe food stress. Irrespective of predator species, the number of female but not male eggs decreased with increasing maternal food stress. This sex-specific effect was probably due to the higher production costs of large female than small male eggs. The complexity of the response to the varying availability of spider mite prey correlated with the predators' degree of adaptation to this prey. Most A. andersoni females did not oviposit under severe food stress, whereas N. californicus and P. persimilis did oviposit. Under moderate food stress, only P. persimilis increased its investment per offspring, at the expense of egg number, and produced few large female eggs. When prey was abundant, P. persimilis decreased the female egg sizes at the expense of increased egg numbers, resulting in a sex-specific egg sizeumber trade-off. Maternal effects manifested only in N. californicus and P. persimilis. Small egg size correlated with the body size of daughters but not sons. Overall, our study provides a key example of sex-specific maternal effects, i.e. food stress during egg production more strongly affects the sex of the large than the small offspring.
机译:生命史理论预测,在食物压力下,雌性应少生大卵,而在食物丰富时应少生多卵。我们在以草食性红蜘蛛捕食为食的三只雌性偏大的大小-双态掠食性螨中测试了这一预测:Phytoseiulus persimilis,一种专门的红蜘蛛捕食者; Neoseiulus californicus,一个喜欢蜘蛛螨的通才。饮食全面专家Amblyseius Andersoni。不论捕食者的种类和后代性别如何,大多数雌性在严重的食物压力下只产下一个小卵。不论捕食动物的种类如何,随着产妇食物压力的增加,雌性而非雄性卵的数量减少。这种性别特异性效应可能是由于大雌性卵比小雄性卵的生产成本更高。对红蜘蛛猎物可利用性的响应的复杂性与捕食者对该猎物的适应程度有关。在严重的食物压力下,大多数安达森尼雌虫均不排卵,而加利福尼亚州猪笼草和柿子对虾排卵。在适度的食物压力下,仅柿子(P. persimilis)增加了每个后代的投资,但以蛋数为代价,并且生产的雌性大卵很少。当猎物丰富时,柿亚种减少了雌性卵的大小,但增加了卵的数量,从而导致了性别特定的卵的大小/数量的折衷。产妇效应仅在加利福尼亚猪笼草和柿子猪笼草中表现出来。小鸡蛋大小与女儿的体型有关,但与儿子的体型无关。总的来说,我们的研究提供了特定性别对产妇的影响的一个关键例子,即产蛋过程中的食物压力比大后代对大性别的影响更大。



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