首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Use of the swim bladder and lateral line in near-field sound source

Use of the swim bladder and lateral line in near-field sound source


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We investigated the roles of the swim bladder and the lateral line system in sound localization behavior by the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus). Reproductive female midshipman underwent either surgical deflation of the swim bladder or cryoablation of the lateral line and were then tested in a monopolar sound source localization task. Fish with nominally 'deflated' swim bladders performed similar to sham-deflated controls; however, post-experiment evaluation of swim bladder deflation revealed that a majority of 'deflated' fish (88%, seven of the eight fish) that exhibited positive phonotaxis had partially inflated swim bladders. In total, 95% (21/22) of fish that localized the source had at least partially inflated swim bladders, indicating that pressure reception is likely required for sound source localization. In lateral line experiments, no difference was observed in the proportion of females exhibiting positive phonotaxis with ablated (37%) versus sham-ablated (47%) lateral line systems. These data suggest that the lateral line system is likely not required for sound source localization, although this system may be important for fine-tuning the approach to the sound source. We found that midshipman can solve the 180 deg ambiguity of source direction in the shallow water of our test tank, which is similar to their nesting environment. We also found that the potential directional cues (phase relationship between pressure and particle motion) in shallow water differs from a theoretical free-field. Therefore, the general question of how fish use acoustic pressure cues to solve the 180 deg ambiguity of source direction from the particle motion vector remains unresolved
机译:我们调查了fin鳍中鱼(Porichthys notatus)在正常定位行为中游泳膀胱和侧线系统的作用。生殖雌性中船员接受了外科手术的膀胱放气排泄或侧线冷冻消融,然后在单极声源定位任务中进行了测试。名义上“放气”的游泳鱼的鱼表现与假放气的对照组相似。然而,实验后对游泳膀胱放气的评估显示,表现出视光反射性阳性的大多数“放气”鱼(88%,八种鱼中的七种)的游泳膀胱部分充气。总共,有95%(21/22)的鱼在源中定位,至少有一部分鱼swim膨胀,这表明可能需要接受压力才能进行声源定位。在侧线实验中,在消融(37%)与假消融(47%)侧线系统中,表现出正音音律的女性比例没有差异。这些数据表明,对于声源定位,可能不需要侧线系统,尽管该系统对于微调声源方法可能很重要。我们发现,中船人可以在我们测试水箱的浅水中解决水源方向180度的歧义,这与它们的筑巢环境相似。我们还发现,浅水中的潜在方向提示(压力与粒子运动之间的相位关系)与理论自由场不同。因此,鱼如何使用声压提示从质点运动矢量解决源方向180度歧义的一般问题仍未解决



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