首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Prevention of renal fibrosis by spironolactone in mice with complete unilateral ureteral obstruction.

Prevention of renal fibrosis by spironolactone in mice with complete unilateral ureteral obstruction.


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PURPOSE: Recent data suggest that aldosterone directly mediates cardiac fibrosis and hypertensive nephrosclerosis. We conducted experiments to determine whether administration of spironolactone, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, reduced renal fibrosis in an experimental model of obstructive uropathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complete unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) was created surgically in 8 to 10-week-old male C57BL/6 mice by placing sutures around the right ureter. Spironolactone (50 mg/kg/daily) or 1% dimethyl sulfoxide vehicle was administered by subcutaneous injection for 1 to 2 weeks, and renal fibrosis was assessed by measuring trichrome staining and type I collagen deposition in the kidney. RESULTS: UUO lasting 1 week was associated with minimal parenchymal damage and spironolactone had no demonstrable effect. In contrast, administration of the mineralocorticoid antagonist (8 mice) for a 2-week period significantly reduced renal fibrosis in the obstructed kidney, compared to mice given the dimethyl sulfoxide vehicle (9). The beneficial effect of spironolactone treatment was not associated with any changes in serum potassium or aldosterone concentration, or urinary concentrations of sodium or potassium. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of spironolactone reduced renal fibrosis in mice with UUO. These findings suggest that clinical trials are warranted to determine the efficacy of aldosterone antagonists in conjunction with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers as renoprotective agents in patients with obstructive uropathy.
机译:目的:最新数据表明,醛固酮直接介导心脏纤维化和高血压性肾硬化。我们进行了实验,以确定在阻塞性尿毒症的实验模型中服用螺内酯(一种盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂)是否能减少肾纤维化。材料与方法:通过在右输尿管周围缝合线,在8至10周龄的雄性C57BL / 6小鼠中手术形成了完全的单侧输尿管梗阻(UUO)。通过皮下注射施用螺内酯(50 mg / kg /天)或1%二甲基亚砜媒介物1至2周,并通过测量三色染色和I型胶原在肾脏中的沉积来评估肾纤维化。结果:持续1周的UUO与最小的实质损害相关,螺内酯没有明显的作用。相反,与给予二甲亚砜媒介物的小鼠相比,给予盐皮质激素拮抗剂(8只小鼠)2周可显着减少阻塞性肾脏的肾纤维化(9)。螺内酯治疗的有益作用与血清钾或醛固酮浓度或尿钠或钾浓度的任何变化无关。结论:服用螺内酯可减轻UUO小鼠的肾纤维化。这些发现表明,有必要进行临床试验来确定醛固酮拮抗剂与血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂和/或血管紧张素受体阻滞剂作为阻塞性尿路病患者的肾脏保护剂的疗效。



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