首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Connections between anterior inferotemporal cortex and superior temporal sulcus regions in the macaque monkey.

Connections between anterior inferotemporal cortex and superior temporal sulcus regions in the macaque monkey.


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We examined the connections between the anterior inferotemporal cortex and the superior temporal sulcus (STS) in the macaque monkey by injecting Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the dorsoanterior and ventroanterior subdivisions of TE (TEad and TEav, respectively) and observing the labeled terminals and cell bodies in STS. We found a clear dichotomy in the connections of the rostral part of STS: the injections into TEad resulted in a dense distribution of labeled terminals and cell bodies in the upper bank of rostral STS, whereas labeling was confined to the lower bank and fundus of rostral STS after injections into TEav. The distribution of labeling in the rostral STS was discontinuous from the distribution of labeling surrounding the injection sites: the lower bank of the rostral STS was spared from labeling in the TEad injection cases, and TEad had only sparse distribution in the TEav injection cases. These results revise the classical view that the lower bank of rostral STS is connected with TE, whereas the upper bank of rostral STS is connected with the parietal, prefrontal, and superior temporal regions (Seltzer and Pandya, 1978, 1991, 1994). The upper bank of the rostral STS is called the superior temporal polysensory area (STP), because it was previously found that neurons there respond to auditory, somatosensory, and visual stimuli. The present results thus suggest that the polymodal representation in STP interacts more with information processing in TEad than TEav. It is also suggested that the information processing in the ventral bank of the rostral STS is distinct from that in TEad, and the former more directly interacts with TEav than TEad.
机译:我们通过将菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin)(PHA-L)或小麦胚芽凝集素与辣根过氧化物酶(WGA-HRP)结合注入背前肌和腹前肌旁区域,检查了猕猴的前颞下皮质与颞上沟(STS)之间的联系。 TE(分别为TEad和TEav)并观察STS中标记的末端和细胞体。我们在STS延髓部的连接中发现了明显的二分法:向TEad注射导致在延髓部STS的上排中标记的末端和细胞体的密集分布,而标记则局限于延髓部的下排和眼底注入TEav后的STS。延髓STS中的标记分布与注射部位周围的标记分布是不连续的:在TEad注射情况下,保留了延髓STS的下排,而在TEav注射情况下,TEad仅具有稀疏分布。这些结果修正了经典的观点,即延髓STS的下岸与TE相连,而延髓STS的上岸与顶,前额叶和颞上区相连(Seltzer和Pandya,1978,1991,1994)。由于先前发现那里的神经元对听觉,躯体感觉和视觉刺激作出反应,因此鼻部STS的上岸被称为上颞多感觉区(STP)。因此,本结果表明,与TEav相比,STP中的多峰表示与TEad中的信息处理相互作用更多。还表明,在延髓STS腹侧的信息处理与TEad中的不同,并且前者与TEav的相互作用比TEad更直接。



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