首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Identification of S-haplotypes in DH-lines of broccoli (Brassica

Identification of S-haplotypes in DH-lines of broccoli (Brassica


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Self-incompatibility (SI) in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is common, and controlled by the S-locus which contains at least three genes: SLG (the S-locus glycoprotein), SRK (the S-locus receptor kinase), and SCR (the S-locus cysteine-rich protein) also named SP11 (the S-locus protein 11). As the S-locus is complex, the classical term 'S-allele' was changed to `S-haplotype'. Information on S-alleles in breeding lines is important for breeders to ensure cross-compatibility between lines. In this work, the S-haplotypes of 18 dihaploid (DH) broccoli lines were examined. For each line, fragments of the SRK and SCR/SP11 genes were amplified by PCR and their sequences were determined. The results showed that: (i) out of the 18 DH broccoli lines, 15 belonged to Class II S-haplotypes, while the other three lines were Class I, based on the amplification patterns of SRK and SCR/SP11; (ii) the sequences of Class II S-haplotype SRK and SCR/SP11 fragments of 15 of the DH lines were identical; (iii) the Class I S-haplotypes of three DH lines were different from each other, based on the DNA sequences of their SRK genes; and (iv) one Class II and three Class I S-haplotypes were present in the broccoli DH lines
机译:西兰花(Brassica oleracea L. var.italica)中的自交不亲和(SI)很常见,并受S-基因座控制,S-基因座包含至少三个基因:SLG(S-基因座糖蛋白),SRK(S-基因座受体)激酶)和SCR(富含S-基因座半胱氨酸的蛋白质)也称为SP11(S-基因座蛋白质11)。由于S-基因座很复杂,因此经典术语“ S-等位基因”改为“ S-单倍型”。有关育种系中S等位基因的信息对于育种者确保种系之间的交叉兼容性非常重要。在这项工作中,检查了18个二倍体(DH)花椰菜系的S-单倍型。对于每条品系,通过PCR扩增SRK和SCR / SP11基因的片段,并确定其序列。结果表明:(i)基于SRK和SCR / SP11的扩增模式,在18种DH西兰花花系中,有15种属于II类S-单倍型,而其他3种为I类。 (ii)15条DH系的II类S单倍型SRK和SCR / SP11片段的序列相同; (iii)根据其SRK基因的DNA序列,三个DH系的I类S单倍型彼此不同; (iv)西兰花DH系中存在一种II类和三种I类S单倍型



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