首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatological treatment >Isotretinoin is safe and efficacious in Asians with acne vulgaris

Isotretinoin is safe and efficacious in Asians with acne vulgaris


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Background: Oral isotretinoin is effective for acne vulgaris but concerns remain regarding its adverse effects. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of isotretinoin for acne vulgaris in Asian patients. Methods: We conducted a 4-year retrospective study on all patients with acne vulgaris treated with isotretinoin, between January 2005 and December 2008 at the National Skin Centre in Singapore. Medical records were reviewed for information on patient demographics, acne severity, isotretinoin dose, duration, adverse effects and outcome. Results:There were 2,255 patients, with a mean age of 22.5 years, male:female ratio of 2.5:1 and 82.3% being Chinese. The mean starting dose of isotretinoin was 0.4 mg/kg and on average, patients received 7.8 months of treatment at a mean dose of 0.5 mg/kg. Mean total cumulative dose was 95.6 mg/kg. Vast majority (93.9%) achieved complete remission or substantial improvement. Thirty-eight (2.2%) and 24 patients (2.7%) developed elevated serum levels of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases subsequent to treatment. There were 194 (12.1%) and 80 (4.8%) patients who developed hyperlipidaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia respectively. Isotretinoin was generally well-tolerated, with 6.4% (n = 145) discontinuing due to side-effects. Conclusions:This study reaffirms the overall safety and efficacy of oral isotretinoin in Asian patients with acne vulgaris.
机译:背景:异维A酸口服液对寻常性痤疮有效,但仍对其不良影响感到担忧。目的:本研究旨在评估异维A酸治疗亚洲痤疮的安全性和有效性。方法:我们于2005年1月至2008年12月在新加坡国家皮肤中心对所有接受异维A酸治疗的寻常痤疮患者进行了为期4年的回顾性研究。审查了医疗记录,以了解有关患者人口统计学,痤疮严重程度,异维A酸剂量,持续时间,不良反应和预后的信息。结果:共有2255名患者,平均年龄为22.5岁,男:女比例为2.5:1,中国人为82.3%。异维A酸的平均起始剂量为0.4 mg / kg,患者平均以0.5 mg / kg的平均剂量接受7.8个月的治疗。平均总累积剂量为95.6 mg / kg。绝大多数(93.9%)达到了完全缓解或明显改善。 38位(2.2%)和24位患者(2.7%)在治疗后出现了血清丙氨酸和天冬氨酸转氨酶升高的现象。分别有194名(12.1%)和80名(4.8%)的患者出现高脂血症和高甘油三酯血症。异维A酸通常具有良好的耐受性,由于副作用而终止使用6.4%(n = 145)。结论:这项研究重申了口服异维A酸在亚洲寻常型痤疮患者中的整体安全性和有效性。



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