首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology >Theoretical and experimental study on the effects of explosive forming parameters on plastic wrinkling of annular plates

Theoretical and experimental study on the effects of explosive forming parameters on plastic wrinkling of annular plates


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Wrinkling is increasingly becoming one of the most common and troublesome modes of unacceptable deformation in sheet metal-forming prediction that is very important on the design of die geometry and processing parameters. In an effort to provide a reliable and efficient tool to predict the critical blank holding force for prevention of wrinkling, an analytical model for flange wrinkling in high-velocity forming processes, such as explosive forming, is presented here. With consideration of constant blank holder force and using a combination of energy method and plastic bending theory, the critical radial displacement and number of wrinkling waves are obtained. For validation, some experimental tests have been performed that their results have adequate agreements with the analytical ones. Moreover, the effects of process parameters such as blank holding force, radii ratio, and material mechanical properties on wrinkling behavior has been discussed.



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