首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of psychiatry >Incidence of psychoses among drug dependent patients in primary care with no psychiatric history: A retrospective observational matched-cohort study

Incidence of psychoses among drug dependent patients in primary care with no psychiatric history: A retrospective observational matched-cohort study


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Background and Objectives: While several studies have indicated a link between illicit drug use and the development of psychosis, the confounding role of pre-existing psychiatric illness is unclear. This study controls for this factor to a greater extent than has hitherto been possible, using a retrospective observational matched-cohort design controlling for age, gender, socioeconomic status and prior psychiatric illness. Methods: 592 cases (diagnosed with drug misuse/dependence) and 592 controls (no recorded history of drug misuse/dependence) were drawn from all patients aged 16-44 in 183 practices within the General Practice Research Database (UK). On study entry, cases and controls had never had a psychiatric diagnosis since registering with their practice. The average look-back period was 17.7 years. The main outcome measure was diagnosis of psychosis (including schizophrenia) from study entry onwards. Results: Patients with a drug misuse/dependence diagnosis are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis than those with no drug misuse/dependence history (RR = 2.10, 95% C.I. = 1.23-3.59) with the relative risk increasing as the definition of psychosis gets narrower. Conclusions: This study has established that, when the confounding presence of previous psychiatric illness is removed, the onset of problematic substance misuse severe enough to warrant primary care consultation is a risk factor for future onset of first-ever psychotic illness. Thus, there is a distinct sub-group of psychotic patients among whom drug misuse/dependence, with no prior psychiatric illness, is a risk factor for the development of psychoses.
机译:背景与目的:尽管有几项研究表明了非法药物使用与精神病发展之间的联系,但尚不清楚先前存在的精神病的混杂作用。该研究使用回顾性观察匹配队列设计来控制年龄,性别,社会经济状况和先前的精神疾病,从而比以往任何时候都能更大程度地控制该因素。方法:从英国全科医学研究数据库(General Practice Research Database,UK)的183个实践中,从所有16-44岁的患者中抽取592例病例(诊断为滥用药物/依赖性)和592例对照(未记录药物滥用/依赖性的病史)。自从进入研究阶段以来,病例和对照者从未进行过精神病诊断。平均回溯期为17.7年。从研究开始起,主要结局指标是对精神病(包括精神分裂症)的诊断。结果:与无药物滥用/依赖病史的患者相比,具有药物滥用/依赖病诊断的患者被诊断为精神病的可能性显着更高(RR = 2.10,95%CI = 1.23-3.59),而相对危险度随着精神病变窄。结论:这项研究已经确定,当消除先前精神病的混杂存在时,严重滥用药物的问题的发生足以引起初级保健咨询,这是将来有史以来第一次精神病的危险因素。因此,有一个明显的精神病患者亚组,其中没有先前的精神病疾病的药物滥用/依赖是精神病发展的危险因素。



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