首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >Oxylaemus cylindricus (Creutzer in Panzer) (Bothrideridae) rediscovered in Britain

Oxylaemus cylindricus (Creutzer in Panzer) (Bothrideridae) rediscovered in Britain

机译:在英国重新发现的Oxylaemus cylindricus(Panzer中的Creutzer)(Bothrideridae)

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Hyman (1992) listed this beetle as Extinct (i.e. with no records since 1900), stating that it had been recorded from South Hampshire and Nottinghamshire, and that it was last recorded in the 19th century. In 2009, it was rediscovered in Britain at Ebernoe Common Sussex Wildlife Trust (SWT) reserve in the West Weald, West Sussex (VC 13), where 21 specimens were captured in two subterranean traps at the roots of veteran oaks (Telfer, 2009): the first records for Sussex. Further saproxylic survey work in the West Weald in 2010 added two further localities: The Mens SWT reserve where a male was caught in a vane trap on a beech (Telfer, 2011), and Petworth Park where a total of 23 were captured in a subterranean pitfall trap at the roots of a standing dead exotic broadleaf tree (Telfer, 2010). The subterranean pitfall traps used are based on a section of rainwater downpipe, a modified version of an original design by John Owen (1995). Details of all recent records are provided in Table 1.
机译:Hyman(1992)将该甲虫列为“灭绝”(即自1900年以来没有任何记录),并指出该甲虫是在南汉普郡和诺丁汉郡记录的,最后一次记录是在19世纪。 2009年,它在英国西苏塞克斯西韦尔德(VC 13)的Ebernoe Common Sussex Wildlife Trust(SWT)保护区重新发现,在那里,在两个古老的橡树根地下诱捕器中捕获了21个标本(Telfer,2009) :苏塞克斯的第一条记录。 2010年在West Weald进行的进一步Saproxylic调查工作又增加了两个地方:Mens SWT保护区,其中一头雄性被困在山毛榉的叶片陷阱中(Telfer,2011年); Petworth Park该地一共有23种被捕获在地下死境陷阱位于一棵死去的异国阔叶树的根部(Telfer,2010)。所使用的地下陷阱是基于一段雨水落水管的,这是John Owen(1995)对原始设计的修改版本。表1提供了所有最近记录的详细信息。



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