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Establishing and sustaining research-based practices at centennial school: A descriptive case study of systemic change


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There has recently been increased attention given to the widely perceived gap between research and practice in school psychology and education. The purpose of this article is to describe how Centennial School of Lehigh University, an alternative day school for students with emotional and behavioral disorders, was able to successfully implement and sustain research-based practices. The use of such practices, in conjunction with organizational and systemic change, led to the significant reduction and eventually the virtual elimination of the use of and need for physical restraint and seclusionary time-out in the school, as well as a substantial increase in students' prosocial behavior. Procedures for reducing the gap between research and practice at Centennial School are discussed, including the methods used by school personnel to facilitate systems change, successfully implement research-based practices, and create a supportive organizational structure for sustaining effective practices. Possible roles for school psychologists in systems change efforts, potential barriers to the implementation of research-based practices, and recommendations as to how these barriers may be overcome also are provided. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:最近,人们越来越关注学校心理学和教育领域的研究与实践之间的鸿沟。本文的目的是描述利哈伊大学百年制学校,这是一所针对情绪和行为障碍学生的替代性日间学校,如何成功实施和维持基于研究的实践。结合组织和系统的变化,使用这种做法可导致显着减少并最终消除学校对身体的约束和隔离的超时的使用,也不再需要物理上的超时,同时学生的大量增加亲社会行为。讨论了缩小百年制学校研究与实践之间差距的程序,包括学校人员用来促进系统变革,成功实施基于研究的实践以及建立支持性组织结构以维持有效实践的方法。还提供了学校心理学家在系统中可能扮演的角色,从而改变了工作,实施基于研究的实践的潜在障碍,并提供了有关如何克服这些障碍的建议。 &复制; 2005 Wiley期刊公司



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