首页> 外文期刊>Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer >Wearing my heart on my chest: Dating, new relationships, and the reconfiguration of self-esteem after breast cancer

Wearing my heart on my chest: Dating, new relationships, and the reconfiguration of self-esteem after breast cancer


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Objective This study investigated women's experiences of establishing an intimate relationship with a new partner after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Methods Fifteen breast cancer survivors, who were either actively dating or in a new intimate relationship that began post-diagnosis, participated in semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts were analyzed using the grounded theory method. Results The analysis yielded Wearing My Heart on My Chest as the core category with three underlying categories: (1) Losing and Regaining Self and Bodily Esteem; (2) Taking the Leap: Dating and the Obligation to Disclose; and (3) Reclaiming of Self through the New Relationship. The categories refer to the experience of profound vulnerability invoked by the history of breast cancer and the act of verbally and physically revealing this past to a new intimate partner. Disclosure entailed a series of successive 'tests' of the new partner for his ability to accept the physical and psychological ramifications of breast cancer, with the resulting relationship becoming a vehicle through which women regained self-esteem. Conclusions The process of dating and starting a new intimate relationship had the potential to restore women's self and bodily esteem previously diminished by breast cancer. The reconfiguration of self-esteem following breast cancer is thus experienced as an ongoing process that begins with diagnosis and continues well into the new relationship.
机译:目的本研究调查妇女在乳腺癌诊断和治疗后与新伴侣建立亲密关系的经验。方法15名乳腺癌幸存者参加了半结构化访谈,这些幸存者正在积极约会或在诊断后开始了新的亲密关系。访谈笔录采用扎根理论方法进行分析。结果分析产生了“将我的心戴在胸前”作为核心类别,其中三个基本类别为:(1)失去和恢复自尊和身体自尊; (2)跨越式发展:约会和披露的义务; (3)通过新关系恢复自我。这些类别指的是乳腺癌史引起的严重脆弱性经历,以及通过言语和身体向新的亲密伴侣揭示过去的行为。披露需要对新伴侣进行一系列连续的“测试”,因为他具有接受乳腺癌的生理和心理影响的能力,由此产生的关系成为妇女重新获得自尊的工具。结论约会和开始新的亲密关系的过程具有恢复以前因乳腺癌而减少的女性自我和身体自尊的潜力。因此,乳腺癌后自尊的重新配置经历了一个持续不断的过程,该过程从诊断开始,一直持续到新的关系。



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