首页> 外文期刊>Postharvest Biology and Technology >Modeling the effect of preharvest weather conditions on the incidence of soft scald in 'Honeycrisp' apples.

Modeling the effect of preharvest weather conditions on the incidence of soft scald in 'Honeycrisp' apples.


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"Honeycrisp" apples show a high susceptibility to physiological disorders such as soft scald. The objective of this study was to identify weather parameters during fruit development that influence soft scald development in "Honeycrisp" apples. Soft scald susceptibility of "Honeycrisp" has been linked to weather conditions during specific periods of the growing season, referenced by given phenological stages. Using weather data and fruit quality analysis data from three sites in Ontario, two sites in Quebec and one site in Nova Scotia for three seasons (2009-2011) and four additional sites in Ontario from 2002-2006, a model for soft scald incidence (SSI) was built to predict the susceptibility of "Honeycrisp" apples prior to storage. This model used primarily two weather variables during three sub-periods of fruit development to accumulate a SSI index (%) during the growing season, from full bloom to harvest time. Relatively wet conditions during phenological stages from full bloom until 10 mm diameter (precipitation > 0.5 mm) and from 10 mm until 50% of final caliber (precipitation > 6.0 mm), cool conditions (temperature < 15 degrees C) from full bloom until 10 mm diameter, and warm conditions (temperature > 20 degrees C) from 50 to 80% of final size are conditions that resulted in increased soft scald susceptibility for "Honeycrisp" apples. The SSI model may be used by producers to establish more appropriate marketing and storage strategies depending on levels of susceptibility to soft scald development predicted prior to storage
机译:“蜂蜜酥”苹果对诸如软皮的生理疾病表现出很高的敏感性。这项研究的目的是确定水果发育过程中的天气参数,这些参数会影响“蜜糖”苹果的软皮发展。在给定的物候阶段中,“蜂蜜脆”的软皮易感性与生长季节的特定时期的天气状况有关。使用来自安大略的三个站点,魁北克的两个站点和新斯科舍的一个站点的三个季节(2009-2011)的天气数据和水果质量分析数据(2002-2006年),以及2002-2006年的安大略的另外四个站点,这是一种软鳞病的模型( SSI(SSI)用于预测“蜂蜜”苹​​果在储存之前的敏感性。该模型主要在水果发育的三个子时期使用两个天气变量来累积从盛开到收获期的生长季的SSI指数(%)。在物候期,从盛开到直径10 mm(降水量> 0.5 mm)和从10 mm到最终口径的50%(降水量> 6.0 mm)的相对潮湿条件,从盛开到10的凉爽条件(温度<15摄氏度)最终直径为50毫米至80%的毫米直径和温暖条件(温度> 20摄氏度)会导致“蜜糖”苹果的软皮易感性增加。生产者可以使用SSI模型来建立更合适的营销和存储策略,具体取决于对存储之前预测的软缩放发展的敏感性水平



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