首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatric services: a journal of the American Psychiatric Association >Service implications of providing intensive monitoring during high-risk periods for suicide among VA patients with depression.

Service implications of providing intensive monitoring during high-risk periods for suicide among VA patients with depression.


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OBJECTIVES: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) patients in depression treatment have high suicide rates after psychiatric hospitalization, antidepressant starts, and dosage changes. Policy makers have recommended closer monitoring during these periods to reduce suicide. This study assessed the frequency of high-risk periods in clinical settings, the levels of monitoring provided during these periods, and the estimated costs of providing monitoring consistent with the most stringent Food and Drug Administration recommendation for treatment periods after antidepressant change (seven visits in the first 12 weeks). METHODS: Monitoring visits were identified in the 12-week period after antidepressant starts and dosage changes and after discharge from psychiatric hospitalization for 100,000 randomly selected VA patients in depression treatment between April 1, 1999, and September 30, 2004. Incremental costs of providing intensive monitoring were estimated by using VA Health Economics Resource Center average cost data. RESULTS: Patients averaged less than one high-risk period each year. They completed an average of 2.4 monitoring visits during the 12-week period after antidepressant treatment events and 4.9 visits after psychiatric hospitalization. Providing intensive monitoring would cost an additional Dollars 408-Dollars 537 for each high-risk period after antidepressant treatment events and Dollars 313-Dollars 341 for each high-risk period after psychiatric hospitalization. During fiscal year 2004 providing intensive monitoring during all high-risk periods would have cost an additional Dollars 183-Dollars 270 million. Providing intensive monitoring only after psychiatric hospitalizations would have cost an additional Dollars 15-Dollars 17 million. CONCLUSIONS: Providing intensive monitoring for VA patients in depression treatment during all high-risk periods for suicide would require substantial services reorganization and incremental expenditures. Modest expenditures would support intensive monitoring during the highest-risk period that follows psychiatric hospitalization.
机译:目的:接受抑郁症治疗的退伍军人事务部(VA)患者在精神病院住院,开始抗抑郁药和剂量变化后自杀率很高。政策制定者建议在这些时期进行更严密的监测以减少自杀。这项研究评估了临床环境中高风险期的频率,在这些期间提供的监测水平以及提供的监测成本,与抗抑郁药变更后治疗期最严格的食品药品监督管理局的建议相一致(7次就诊)。前12周)。方法:在1999年4月1日至2004年9月30日期间,从抗抑郁药开始和剂量变化以及精神病住院出院后的12周期间中随机抽取了100,000名接受VA治疗的抑郁症患者,进行了监测访视。通过使用VA卫生经济学资源中心的平均成本数据来估计监测。结果:患者平均每年少于一次高危期。他们在抗抑郁治疗事件后的12周内平均完成了2.4次监测访视,在精神病院住院后完成了4.9次访视。提供密集的监视将在抗抑郁治疗事件后的每个高危时期额外花费408美元-537美元,在精神病院住院后的每个高危时期额外花费313美元/ 341美元。在2004财政年度中,如果在所有高风险时期提供密集监控,则将额外花费183美元​​-2.7亿美元。仅在精神病院住院之后才提供密集监测,这将额外花费15美元至1700万美元。结论:在所有自杀高危时期,对接受抑郁治疗的VA患者进行深入监测将需要大量服务重组和增加支出。适度的支出将支持在精神病院住院之后的最高风险时期进行密集监测。



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