首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Peer Effects in Early Childhood Education: Testing the Assumptions of Special- Education Inclusion

Peer Effects in Early Childhood Education: Testing the Assumptions of Special- Education Inclusion


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There has been a push in recent years for students with disabilities to be educated alongside their typically developing peers, a practice called inclusion. In this study, we sought to determine whether peer effects operate within earlychildhood special-education (ECSE) classrooms in which preschoolers with disabilities are educated alongside typical peers. Peer effects specific to language growth were assessed for 670 preschoolers (mean age = 52 months) in 83 ECSE classrooms; 55% of the children had disabilities. We found that the average language skills of classmates, as assessed in the fall of the year, significantly predicted children's language skills in the spring (after controlling for their relative skill level in the fall); in addition, there was a significant interactive effect of disability status (i.e., the presence or absence of a disability) and peers' language skills. Peer effects were the least consequential for children without disabilities whose classmates had relatively strong language skills, and the most consequential for children with disabilities whose classmates had relatively poor language skills.
机译:近年来,一直在推动残疾学生与他们典型的同龄人一起接受教育,这种做法称为包容。在这项研究中,我们试图确定同龄人效应是否在早期幼儿特殊教育(ECSE)教室中发挥作用,在该教室中,对残疾学龄前儿童和典型同龄人进行了教育。在83个ECSE教室中,对670名学龄前儿童(平均年龄= 52个月)评估了针对语言增长的同伴效应; 55%的儿童患有残疾。我们发现,当年秋季评估的同班同学的平均语言能力显着预测了春季的儿童语言能力(在控制了秋季的相对技能水平之后);此外,残疾状态(即是否存在残疾)和同龄人的语言技能也具有显着的交互作用。同伴效应对同班同学具有较强语言能力的残疾儿童影响最小,对同班同学语言能力相对较差的残疾儿童影响最大。



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