首页> 外文期刊>Prosthetics and orthotics international >Comparison between the C-leg(R) microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee and non-microprocessor control prosthetic knees: A preliminary study of energy expenditure, obstacle course performance, and quality of life survey.

Comparison between the C-leg(R) microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee and non-microprocessor control prosthetic knees: A preliminary study of energy expenditure, obstacle course performance, and quality of life survey.


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This study investigated energy expenditure and obstacle course negotiation between the C-leg(R) and various non-microprocessor control (NMC) prosthetic knees and compared a quality of life survey (SF-36v2trade mark) of use of the C-leg(R) to national norms. Thirteen subjects with unilateral limb loss (12 with trans-femoral and one with a knee disarticulation amputation) participated in the study. The mean age was 46 years, range 30 - 75. Energy expenditure using both the NMC and C-leg(R) prostheses was measured at self-selected typical and fast walking paces on a motorized treadmill. Subjects were also asked to walk through a standardized walking obstacle course carrying a 4.5 kg (10 lb) basket and with hands free. Finally, the SF-36v2trade mark was completed for subjects while using the C-leg(R). Statistically significant differences were found in oxygen consumption between prostheses at both typical and fast paces with the C-leg(R) showing decreased values. Use of the C-leg(R) resulted in a statistically significant decrease in the number of steps and time to complete the obstacle course. Scores on a quality of life index for subjects using the C-leg(R) were above the mean for norms for limitation in the use of an arm or leg, equal to the mean for the general United States population for the physical component score and were above this mean for the mental component score. Based on oxygen consumption and obstacle course findings, the C-leg(R) when compared to the NMC prostheses may provide increased functional mobility and ease of performance in the home and community environment. Questionnaire results suggest a minimal quality of life impairment when using a C-leg(R) for this cohort of individuals with amputation.
机译:这项研究调查了C-leg(R)与各种非微处理器控制(NMC)假肢之间的能量消耗和障碍路线协商,并比较了使用C-leg(R)的生活质量调查(SF-36v2商标) )到国家规范。十三名单侧肢体丢失的受试者(十二名经股骨截肢和一例膝关节截肢术)参加了该研究。平均年龄为46岁,范围在30-75岁之间。使用NMC和C-leg(R)假肢的能量消耗是在电动跑步机上以自行选择的典型步伐和快速步伐进行测量的。还要求受试者走过一个装有4.5公斤(10磅)篮筐且没有双手的标准步行障碍物训练场。最后,在使用C-leg(R)的情况下为受试者完成了SF-36v2商标。在典型和快速节奏下,假肢之间的耗氧量在统计学上均存在显着差异,而C-leg(R)的值却降低了。使用C-leg(R)导致完成障碍路线的步数和时间在统计上显着减少。使用C-leg(R)的受试者的生活质量指数得分高于手臂或腿部使用限制标准的平均值,等于美国普通人群的身体成分得分和高于此平均值的心理成分得分。基于耗氧量和障碍物路线的发现,与NMC假体相比,C-leg(R)可以提供增加的功能移动性,并简化家庭和社区环境中的性能。问卷调查结果表明,对于这组截肢患者使用C-leg(R)时,生活质量的最低限度降低。



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