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Intake of fruit and vegetables: implications for bone health


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'These famous words by Mencken in the early 20th century about the meaning of life and death, may also apply to the struggle of the healthy skeleton against the deleterious effects of retained acid!' (Kraut & Coburn, 1994). The health-related benefit of a high consumption of fruit and vegetables and the influence of this food group on a variety of diseases has been gaining increasing prominence in the literature over a number of years. Of considerable interest to the osteoporosis field is the role that bone plays in acid-base balance. Natural, pathological and experimental states of acid loading and acidosis have been associated with hypercalciuria and negative Ca balance, and more recently the detrimental effects of 'acid' from the diet on bone mineral have been demonstrated. Suprisingly, consideration of the skeleton as a source of 'buffer' contributing to both the preservation of the body's pH and defence of the system against acid-base disorders has been ongoing for over three decades. However, it is only more recently that the possibility of a positive link between a high consumption of fruit and vegetables and indices of bone health has been more fully explored. A number of population-based studies published in the last decade have demonstrated a beneficial effect of fruit and vegetable and K intake on axial and peripheral bone mass and bone metabolism in men and women across the age-ranges. Further support for a positive link between fruit and vegetable intake and bone health can be found in the results of the Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH) and DASH-Sodium intervention trials. There is now an urgent requirement for the implementation of: (1) fruit and vegetable and alkali administration-bone health intervention trials, including fracture risk as an end point; (2) reanalysis of existing dietary-bone mass and metabolism datasets to look specifically at the impact of dietary 'acidity' on the skeleton.
机译:“ 20世纪初期,门肯(Mencken)所说的这些关于生死意义的著名词语,也可能适用于健康骨骼抵抗残留酸的有害作用的斗争!” (Kraut&Coburn,1994)。多年来,大量食用水果和蔬菜对健康有好处,而且这种食物对多种疾病的影响在文献中也越来越受到关注。骨质疏松症领域非常感兴趣的是骨骼在酸碱平衡中的作用。酸负荷和酸中毒的自然,病理和实验状态与钙过多症和钙的负平衡有关,最近,饮食中“酸”对骨矿物质的有害影响也得到了证实。出人意料的是,将骨骼作为“缓冲液”的来源一直在考虑这三方面,这些缓冲液既有助于保持人体的pH值,又可以防御酸碱疾病。但是,直到最近,人们才更加充分地探索了在大量食用水果和蔬菜与骨骼健康指标之间建立积极联系的可能性。过去十年中发表的许多基于人口的研究表明,水果和蔬菜以及钾的摄入量对各个年龄段的男性和女性的轴向和外周骨量以及骨代谢均具有有益作用。在停止高血压的饮食方法(DASH)和DASH-钠干预试验的结果中可以找到对水果和蔬菜摄入与骨骼健康之间的积极联系的进一步支持。现在迫切需要执行以下内容:(1)水果和蔬菜和碱金属的骨骼健康干预试验,包括以骨折风险为终点; (2)重新分析现有的饮食骨骼质量和代谢数据集,以专门研究饮食中“酸度”对骨骼的影响。



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